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American Misfit

Updated on October 31, 2018
Obama & Frank Marshall Davis
Obama & Frank Marshall Davis | Source

By: Wayne Brown

What an amazing day in America…Obama is still in office, his re-election and nomination acceptance speech is in the can and we have nothing new to consider or talk about as the sun once again rises in the east. It is truly just another ordinary day here in Obama-Land where a good communist can bask in the warm glow of knowing that America is on a road trip down the crapper led by an Ivy-Leaguer schooled in their ideology from early childhood. As the doctor says, “This won’t hurt a bit” and slowly inserts the needle, we, the patient, think that our prayers have been answered.

In 2008, Obama stood on the podium and basically claimed that he could move the stars in the sky and make water run uphill. He convinced people that the reason things were the way they were in Washington was because he was not on the watch. He in essence begged for the job with the promise that he would bring stability to our economy; reduce both the debt and the deficit, and put Americans back to work and off the unemployment rolls. Instead, the economy has stagnated into ebb and flow like the ocean tide, the debt load is beyond all historic measurement, and too many Americans continue to receive unemployment benefits. Reality is a telling thing.

Instead of focusing on the girl or girls that he brought to the dance per se, Obama and his minions went to work immediately on government take-over of the healthcare system and economic stimulus spending. Out of those actions, we received a healthcare program which no one truly understands enough to explain to the American people. The program has been passed through Congress, approved, contested, argued, and still, the American people have no real idea how much it will cost them in terms of premiums and back-loaded tax debt. At the same time, Medicare is being stripped to sop up funds to support the implementation of this train-wreck not yet vetted by the American people. Almost $900 billion dollars of borrowed taxpayer money is up in smoke in the name of economic stimulus. Little to none of that money ever made it into circulation in the economic mainstream going instead to off-shore entities, a failing automobile industry burdened down by union demands, and green energy exploits which had no viable business future in the near term. All America received from Obama’s stimulus was more downstream debt to be paid.

Obama stands on the podium in Charlotte accepting the 2012 nomination with another pocket full of empty promises ready in hand to present to the American people via his reliable teleprompter support. People stared at their televisions ready to hear the details which never came….just dreaming out loud to rationalize four more years. You see, it is now readily apparent to Obama that four years was not enough to save America…especially when one does little or no work in that regard. He needs four more and he wants to justify them on the basis of future promises…promises which he has no intention of working on at all…there is no time in his agenda for such trivial task.

The bare-naked truth is that Obama either lied to you in 2008 or he is lying to you today. A third consideration might be that he lied on both occasions…I’ll go with that one! He points to Bush and then he points to the Republicans in Congress as the entities who gummed up the works of his grand plan. He forgets to remind you that the Democrats had two years at the end of the Bush second term and another two years in the Obama term to do their magic….four solid years of a Democrat controlled Congress and all we get for it is more debt, more division, and too much meddling in our personal lives. How many years does Obama need to deliver? Don’t attempt to answer that…he has no intention of delivering, at least not on anything those who are still voting for him are expecting. By the time that bunch wakes up, the henhouse will only have a few feathers left flying about.

If there is any transparency in the Obama Administration, then look through it and look close at what you see by their admittance. Obama had a communist for a father and a communist-sympathizer for a mother, well-drilled by her own father and mother. Noted card-carrying communist, Frank Marshall Davis, was his mentor for many of his developing years as a youth. One of Davis’ passions was nationalized healthcare. Out of college, Obama was off to Chicago….a long known communist haven since the early days of the party prior to 1920. Obama’s administration is chocked full of appointed czars who pride themselves on their communist and socialist affiliations. Valerie Jarrett, one of Obama’s closest advisors also has family ties back to Frank Marshall Davis. Another close advisor, David Axlerod, has similar family ties. Bill Ayers wanted to blow up everything in America that represented the establishment. He now helps shape young minds at the university level. He is even referred to as a professor. But, “He’s just a guy in the neighborhood.” Really, would you expect to buy a house in Chicago and find it in a neighborhood filled with socialist and communists? Oh yes, to use Obama’s own words, “I chose my friends carefully”. Pay careful attention to that claim when you weigh who his friends really are. You won’t find the American people on that list.

Obama sat in Reverend (I use the term lightly) Jeremiah Wright’s church for over 20 years listening to him spew his poison about all the ills of the American way. Of course, Obama has disavowed all of that even in light of all the dealings that Wright has had with members of his own family…weddings, births, christenings. Oh yeah, it was just a sheer accident that Obama never noticed what Wright had to say. Stop and give it some thought here, folks. You give this man credit for being astute and intelligent and yet he misses this level of detail? The numbers don’t add up.

Obama worked (I use the term lightly) as a Community Organizer in Chicago prior to earning his wings as a politician launched into public service by the distinguished Bill Ayers. One might look at that job description and wonder where the “organizing” part comes into play and for what reason. One might think that Obama’s mission was to “help these people” but that would be extremely far from the real truth. In actuality, his assignment was to exploit them; to use their woes and downtrodden status as a lever to get at other elements of the community, not in the name of improvement but in the name of breaking down the society in terms of division…a house divided cannot stand. Do you find it odd that the American Communist Party also employed community organizing as one of their tools for expansion when they entered the Chicago scene in 1919? What an amazing coincidence, don’t you think? It becomes less amazing and more expected when one learns that Obama considers Saul Alinsky as one of his idols and his book, “Rules for Radicals” as one of his all-time favorite reads. Funny, but I believe that I read somewhere that Alinsky was also a communist, but surely that is just a coincidence.

Here in America, we have this belief that we are ten feet tall and bulletproof, that we are above anything evil entering into our world and changing it in such a manner as to take all that we know and throw it away. We sobered up a little bit from that illusion with the attacks of 9-11 in our more recent history realizing that we were indeed venerable to outside forces that did not have our best interest in mind. Those outside forces do not always come in a violent nature, like cancer, they can establish themselves within and eat away at the vital organs with little or no sign of their presence. Such has been the case for the past four years. The American public, out of desperation, has sought to follow an outsider in an ill-defined direction with only one purpose…to undermine the fabric of America and make her pay for all the perceived evil that has been done in the world; to bring the average American down to the level of suffering experienced by millions throughout the world; to make America as threatened by outside forces as any country in the world. If as much of the energy of the current administration had gone into righting the ship as it did into the above efforts, Obama might have something to talk about in terms of a viable record for his first term of office.

Instead, Obama steps to the podium with his “eyes wide open” and states that four years is not enough to fix America…he needs four more. Amazingly, some in our ranks and in the media found him to be extremely intelligent and articulate back in 2008…the savior, the anointed one, the young man from Illinois here to put America back together. He said he could do it then and if he did not, he would look at himself as a one-term president. That bet is off. Now he claims he was naïve and needs four more years to finish the work which he never planned to do in the first place. It was not in his agenda…the one you are not privy to at all.

Obama can point to Mitt Romney and find fault with his years at Bain Capital. He can find fault with the man’s success….a success we all would like to enjoy I would bet. He paints him as evil because he made money through his success. At the same time, Obama has nothing negative to say about his top supporter George Soros and all his ill-gotten billions made off of marginally legal hedge funds. Obama has no problem shoving Soros’ checks into his pocket and moving on without comment. He also has no problem with Warren Buffet….a very wealthy man by any definition of the word. You might note that Buffet controls Berkshire-Hathaway which is merely another label for “Bain Capital” in the sense that both are capital investment companies. Both buy perspective companies, reassemble them and attempt to salvage them into profitable operations. Both fail at it at times and the inability to save the patient causes people to lose their jobs…not the goal of the original investment but a risky reality of it. Neither buys healthy companies only to gut them and put them out of business…there’s no money there. Yet, Obama has no problems with Buffet….maybe it’s because Buffet is a Democrat and has been cleansed of all his money-making sins.

The private sector in America has been in disarray since late 2008. Obama further destabilized that situation with his out-of-control spending and his uncharted threats of the effects of Obama-Care. Further to that end, Obama has unleashed every agency of the federal regulatory system to work in tandem to make doing business in the private sector of America as difficult as it can possibly be. As long as Obama occupies the office of the president, this situation can only get worse by the year. Without unbridling the private sector, this country goes nowhere anytime soon except further down the tubes.

Folks who hang out with criminals eventually take on the ways of criminals themselves. I find it rather difficult to believe that Obama can surround himself with so many socialists and communists and not practice their philosophy. I think you can reasonably conclude that he decided that he would the day that he began his work as a community organizer. We have already witnessed Obama employing failed economic theories which operate on the belief that a large expanding government with heavy spending habits will cure the ills of an economy gone sour. If he desires to accomplish something, he does so through the channels of executive order as opposed to passing it in front of the elected officials of the people, more so than any other president in the history of the country. Neither leadership nor compromise fit his needs or wants as he is far more concerned with power and authority. He has his attributes but none that fit the definition of a true American leader.

Given four more years, Obama will gut the American military in his quest to find ways to redistribute wealth. He will cast away our defenses as a people and turn that money into food stamps and temporary housing allotments along with God knows what other types of entitlements all in the name of keeping people under the thumb and dependent on the government. Under his watch our nuclear arsenal has been cut by more than one-half and he is still pushing to get it to a level that is comparable to China but far less than the Soviet Union. He is intent on gutting the troop strength of our military arguing that technology can replace boots on the ground. Never has a war been won simply by technology alone but that matters little to Obama who has little regard for the military at all.

Another term in office will also unleash record spending driving us as a country further and further into record levels of debt. There is no plan anywhere in Obama’s office to reduce spending or cut the deficit…quite the contrary, the plan calls for more as the federal government is seen as the only entity capable of saving America…and doing it on borrowed money. This is not economics, it is idiocy. America has three distinct strengths: A strong military, vast financial potential, and a resilient and enduring people capable of coming back challenge after challenge. Obama is rapidly destroying the first two and knows that their demise will break the back of the third. Once those steps are completed, America will be on its knees where, in Obama’s mind, it has deserved to be since the first time his father laid eyes on this colonial landscape and realized that our country was even worse than the British Empire of previous centuries. Finally, America will get its just dessert. That may be a bitter pill for some to swallow but be assured that in Obama’s mind, it is what is best to get America in line with the rest of the world.

Obama continues to claim that he is working for the betterment of the middle class. In fact, he has stated that he wants to save the middle class of America from all that threatens it. That is a powerful argument and one that might sound sincere if any action which he took was actually tied to that belief on his part. When one looks into the mind of Alinsky and others who employ their techniques to manipulate organizations and their impact, one’s eye quickly catches on the premise that in order to erode something from the inside, one must sell himself/herself as being a part of the target. If Obama is to continue to have the support of the middle class, it is vital that they believe that he is looking out for them when in actuality that assumption could not be further from the truth. In Obama’s America, the middle class will eventually be taxed out of existence and one by one will give up the effort for financial freedom and individual success as a large, over-grown and bloated federal government inserts itself deeper and deeper into the daily lives of the people and takes on greater and greater self-appointed authority to shift assets within the population…all in the name of fairness and equality. The middle class is a unique part of society almost devoid in other populations of the world so commonly made of up rich and poor with a vast empty abyss in between. For you see, in America, we can still be motivated to try to achieve our own individual success and with it an income to support our lifestyle. The days of that possibility diminish with each day that Obama holds office.

Back in the late 60’s and early 70’s of America, the Bill Ayers types were about creating their movements and organizations. Those organizations were being “used” by other subversive organization including the American Communist Party while thinking that the work they were doing was something carved out of their own revolutionary style. They considered themselves above the law, above the society that was so ignorant of things around them. They were the youthful intellect of the world that must take charge and direct the country. Most, were not like Ayers…basically a criminal; most were just “misfits” of society who were naïve and had allowed their moldable minds to be easily reshaped by some communist posing as a college professor as Ayers does today. The tragedy today is that we have turned our country over to one of that breed and he is blowing things up in the way that he has been trained to do it for oh so long now. We have one last chance to remedy that situation on November 6th, 2012. Make it count and then pray that you awake to a different day in January 2013.

©Copyright WBrown2012. All Rights Reserved.

7 September 2012


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