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About That $4 Trillion Dollar Lie

Updated on October 5, 2012

What He Didn't Say...

Myths Are Found In Fairy Tales

The outright fabrications, people get upset at me when I call them lies, were spilling from the Obama's lips and one hardly knows where to start at dissecting for the truth. It seems that the far left in this nation lives in an alternate universe where as long as it comes from The One's lips then it has to be gospel. But I can assure you that Obama did not descend from the heights of Mount Olympus. Because if he had then the mile high atmosphere of Denver would have not had any effect on Obama's poor debate performance as Al Gore contended. Altitude? Really?

Since the budget deficit should concern all American taxpayers I choose that as my departure point. Here's what Obama said which an intelligent person has to know is mostly fiction:

President Obama: I put forward a specific $4 trillion deficit reduction plan. It’s on a website. You can look at all the numbers. What cuts we make and what revenue we raise.

The believability index on this just doesn't add up. First of all this comes from the same guy who promised us that he was going to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Then he told us at the beginning that if he didn't fix the economy by the end of his first term then it was a one term proposition. Have you noticed that the shape of the economy and the fact that he is still asking for another four? So you just take him at his word, do you? Listen, I have this bridge over in Arizona...

His Exact Words From His Mouth

Back to this $4 trillion smoke and mirrors routine. It is widely known by those who have bothered to take a look that this "reduction" is more of a smoke and mirrors routine and your typical government accounting gimmick savings gig than an actual reduction. You know a real reduction in spending because that is what he is contending. Lets break it down so even a liberal can understand it.

Is it real savings? The answer is no. The $4 trillion includes the $1 trillion that Congress approved previously known as sequestration. That happened in 2011 and is outside the ten year window and somehow Obama is trying to slide them back into the equation. Now understand, if you will, just how some of this gimmickry is sold to an inattentive audience. Another one trillion in savings his "study" is attributing to the end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It turns out that the Congressional Budget Office previously worked the one trillion in war expenses into the long term projections. Note the smoke and mirrors in this routine. Along comes Obama and subtracts the yet unspent money from future debt. Read the first sentence of this paragraph again. How do you count money as being saved if it hasn't yet been spent? That's what Romney talked about when he mentioned the six studies that have been done to refute Obama's one biased study.

I was just informed the other day by one liberal reader here that there is a bill in Congress right now to kill sequestration. If that is done then the first trillion mentioned will go up in smoke one way or the other, inside or outside the ten year window. Here's the link for that for future reading. Seems the liberals want to have it both ways.

Another big "WHOOPS" in Obama's plan he failed to mention, obviously because of the political consequences of doing so. It seems that another "savings" is to let the Bush tax cuts expire. At the same time some of the arcane tax loopholes would vanish. The effect here would be to lessen the resulting interest payments on the already ballooning national debt that is projected by economists to continue to rack up a trillion dollars plus if Obama happens to be reelected. Are there really enough stupid people in this nation to make that happen a second time?

If there is any savings at all everything has to fall into step with a "plan" and at best it is estimated that it might amount to $2.8 trillion over that ten year period in question. Maybe a good first step is that the US Senate agree to start passing an annual budget as required by federal law. But when you're continuing to spend more than you are taking end where does that really end up? You still go further into the hole. Here's the National Debt Clock projection for 2016 if current policies under Obama are allowed to continue. This debt clock is projected "at current rates."

Obama likes to cite the Simpson-Bowles Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform as being the model for his 4 trillion dollar "savings." Both Simpson and Bowles disavow that because after Obama commissioned this study he summarily rejected its findings. You see the findings and recommendations of that commission. Now that implementation of that plan would have actually resulted in an actual $4 trillion dollars in savings. Truth be known that is where Obama has conjured up that $4 trillion figure. Actual spending cuts involve political pain because the citizens of this nation will feel the pinch of the recklessness of the people we continually send to Washington DC to do our will. The federal government wants to try to be everything to everybody and that just isn't possible, nor is that its role as defined in the US Constitution. It specifically says "limited" there.

After watching the first debate the contrast between the two candidates for our future is stark indeed. We have a free market, capitalist on the one side who understands that more jobs, better pay and a stable economy equate to more tax revenues coming in. Then we have the "trickle down government" candidate who sees the role of the federal government as being your Nanny and the decider of our fate. I'm sure I don't need to point out which is which to most people.

And one other thing Obama. The President does owe the people the truth so from this point forward, since you just said that, I expect to hold you to that statement. More empty rhetoric I am sure. There is an empty chair sitting in the Oval Office needing a leader. I don't expect to see you sitting there next year.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "I'm not sure who was the biggest whiner. Was it The Obama we saw on the stage in Denver? Or was it the Obama we saw whining to his drollers the day after the debates. Liar? That's like the pot calling the kettle black."

"Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember In November


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