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Advice From An Old Warrior

Updated on September 7, 2013

As I survey the political landscape, I also am conscious of my own history. I am an old war horse of 23 years who hung up my spurs in 1992, the summer of that year in fact. I went to a town hall meeting night before last where some of the folks, very few of them in fact, were doing the sabre rattling of those who had never picked one up. My Congressional representative, Joe Barton, wasn't buying it and I appreciate that. Those are our young people who Obama, having never been in harm's way himself, is talking about putting their butts in the sling in an attempt to save his own reputation and legacy.

We've been through this several times during my lifetime and former career. We seem to lose the lessons learned based upon some idiotic hard head. In this case that would be Obama. A dove's dove like John Kerry until it comes to protecting his own political skin. I'll be upfront with the fact that I have never had the least bit of respect for John Kerry, as a peer, and I never will. I hold Obama in the same vein. Neither of them have a clue.

There Is No Rabbit In The Hat

I don't need you to bring up Vietnam, nor Panama, nor Grenada. Lets put Iraq and Afghanistan aside as they were but also mere diversion and deception. Lets concentrate on the present deceiver and the deception that is about to place the youth of this nation in harm's way and why. Not one of our military recruits joined the US military with the thought, nor the desire, of going to Syria and fighting that country's civil war. Not one of those young people see any of those factions as being either friendly to the United States of America or a present threat to the national security of this nation.

In this instance the national security of this nation is NOT threatened and none of this, in the least, fits the reasons that our Constitution outlines as being justification for hostilities. It also does not authorize any President, much less Obama, to trot around the globe drawing "red lines" and sabre rattling as he has done.

The very fact that Barack Hussein Obama has openly expressed that very thought should trouble you. Here's exactly what he said at the G20 summit: "I put it before Congress because I could not honestly claim that the threat posed by Assad's use of chemical weapons on innocent civilians and women and children posed an imminent, direct threat to the United States." If what he said there is true then what is being contemplated is both unconstitutional and illegal.

I am not heartless and what Assad is doing to his own people, if that is a fact, is not right and won't ever be right. When Iran and Iraq were gassing each other that wasn't right either and so the argument goes. Let them have there civil war and lets just watch. if there are nay pieces left to be picked up then maybe then we may want to become involved.

In this particular instance we need to keep our young warriors out of harm's way until there is a direct threat to the security of our nation. Some may think I'm a war monger but that is far from the case. I always took my role in the military as being an "enforcer of the peace" and not any other way.

Politicians, with their inflated egos like Obama's, will be the destruction of the nation we hold dear. Our military has no business in Syria and we don't have a dog in that fight. That's not to say we never will but presently we do not. We have more pressing issues that need to be addressed. Little things like a national debt that is going to strangle the life out of this country while they want us to look over there at something that has more glitter - like war. War is not glamorous my fellow Americans.

If Syria becomes the undoing of Obama then he asked for it. I'm not sure just who the heck he thinks he is going around drawing "red lines" for anyone to cross. Then to further compound the situation, Assad crossed it and he moved it and so forth and so on. Then he claims he never said it. He was only speaking for "the world at large." Is the man's ego that large? Doesn't he think that some people are actually paying attention to things other than the baubles he dangles while he still remains on the campaign trail to this day?

Our nation is "war weary" but I am also "Obama weary." As a tactician one never lets the enemy know the plan. Obama telegraphs it well in advance and then expects the best. Why? Because his name is Barack Hussein Obama and the world adores him and faints at his every word? Actually the opposite is now a fact concerning the last part of that sentence. They seem him as a bumbling clown.

The Gallup poll in the chart presented above indicates that 36% of Americans polled favor taking action to degrade Assad's chemical weapons capability. Unfortunately Obama gave him at least a few weeks to hide everything in sight. How utterly stupid from an inexperienced person you thought could handle the task of being the Commander-in-Chief. That's aimed at those who voted for him and no one else. What is about to occur, if it occurs, is going to do no more than acerbate the situation.

Even more idiotic are folks like Ed Schultz from MSNBC and Bill Mayer now playing the race card about going to war and putting our young patriots at risk, They say that it is about Obama being black. How utterly ridiculous and absurd. Here's the way Schultz puts it, “I really believe that everything that we have said on this show are reasonable, patriotic reasons to be against another war, another strike, another act of war–and that’s what it is–but hatred of our first black president is not.”

I think the left has lost its koolaid drinking mind.

If we need to fight a war let it be a just war and not someone else's civil war. Take that from an old, retired warrior.

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As Always,

The Frog Prince


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