Al Qaeda Is On The Path To Defeat?
Osama bin Laden Is Dead And Al Qaeda Is Alive
Bragging Just May Have Gotten An Ambassador Killed In Libya
As Benghazi-Gate begins to widen more and more along comes Obama out in Denver with his hand picked audience to clue us into the demise of Al Qaeda. Of course at one time this administration told us that the "War on Terrorism" was over and had been won. That is hardly the case as recent world events have shown. Everyone seems to have gotten the message from Al Qaeda and other associated terrorist cells but Oblabber Mouth.
Another irony of his statement is it occurred on the very day that our troop death toll in Afghanistan hit the 2K mark. Remember lefties Afghanistan is "Obama's war" to win or lose. Peace, love, dove and all that other horse manure the left likes to folly along with. But I'm sure you'll also find a way to blame that on Bush too.
Al Qaeda is hardly gone nor does it appear to be too worried about Obama. For every terrorist one kills there are two more that seem to pop up. Now Obama doesn't like to use the word terrorist because according to him they don't exist. But guess what? They do exist and still walk among us. I'm not sure how many Pinocchio's to give Obama for his latest lie. Yes, bin Laden is dead thanks to our Seal Team 6 but Al Qaeda isn't on the path to defeat just because Obama said that it's so. His sheeple will swallow it but world events say otherwise.
Notice how his hand fed sheeple clapped and started a USA chant. Turns out that going hand in hand with that statement he has informed Congress that he is going to give his buds, The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, $450 million of taxpayer money to try to bribe them and make them feel all warm and fuzzy. Hasn't anyone informed Obama that they will surely take our money as they plot to kill us? Aren't these the same people who torched our embassy, burned our flags and raised Al Qaeda flags over US property? What the hell am I missing in this picture or am I seeing this clearly? Isn't it odd that Obama didn't tell his drooling adorers about that part of his plan?
Funny that Obama said those exact same words a month ago during the Democratic National Convention to his delegates and then on the eleventh anniversary of 9-11 Al Qaeda gave him a demonstration of how defeated they are and there is speculation that they disapproved of Obama bragging about the death of their leader. No doubt they weren't happy about his bravado and swaggering around like he pulled the trigger. Wasn't there something about "if you repeat a lie often enough people will begin to believe it?" That's a hallmark of Team Obama.
For a couple of weeks now The Wizard of Foreign Affairs named Obama has denied the obvious. He is still denying it as of this past weekend. Are the wheels coming off the camel cart or what Obie? Here he was with his swaggering self on the world stage giving speeches about how he was going to "reset" Middle East affairs and assuage the terrorists of the world by denying they exist. They are just misunderstood, blood thirsty haters. It is now apparent that as with most things Obama-like it was all a bunch of bunk.
He bowed to foreign potentates and offered words of appeasement because only he could heal the wounds cause by Islamic fundamentalists over the course of history. It failed Obama. You failed again in this area too Mr. President. How Jimmie Carteresque of you Barack.
Of Course It Was Hillary...
So yesterday morning what should hit the news but the top general in Afghanistan helping to correct his Commander-In-Chief. Thass right. Marine Corp General John Allen just announced that "Al Qaeda has come back." No kidding General Allen as if we didn't know that. Then he went on to add, “But they're not here in large numbers. But al-Qaeda doesn't have to be anywhere in large numbers.” This is pure genius. How many of them did it take to pull off all the damage inflicted on 9-11?
But wait a minute General Sir. Your Commander-In-Chief just yesterday out in Nevada bragged to his slobbering sheeple that “while a new tower rises above the New York skyline, al Qaeda is on the path to defeat, and Osama bin Laden is dead.” Two outta three ain't bad but it's the lie sandwiched in the middle that is troublesome. The problem with terrorists is that they can grow like weeds.
Then lo and behold President Karzai of Afghanistan followed up on both of them with this, "Terrorism has not gone away. It has increased." He then started a short list of fighters who have been entering his nation, "Name them al Qaeda, name them Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, name them Haqqani, name them Taliban, whatever. They're still there. And they have the ability to continue 10 years on to come and hurt us and kill your troops and kill our troops, kill our civilians. We must then question how come they've returned?"
And Obama wants you to believe that Al Qaeda is on the ropes? Really?
So which are you going to believe? Obama's lying lips or what we are seeing happening in the world and the intelligence that is now starting to hit the news that Team Obama has tried to keep under wraps and cover up for weeks now?
I know for the sheeple of this country Obama wouldn't dare to lie to them. They kneel, light candles and worship at the altar of "The One." He didn't in 2008 now did he? Not even a little bit? There are indeed still too many among us who won't admit to having made a big mistake. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.
Proposed Obama Bumper Sticker Slogans:
"Osama bin Laden Is Dead And Al Qaeda Is Alive" or maybe "Al Qaeda Is Alive And General Motors Is Half-Dead."
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As Always,
The Frog