All Roads Lead to Obama
In a recent meeting between the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and President Trump in the White House, it was reported that the Speaker told the president, “all roads lead to Putin...” and followed by some harsh words exchanged and she walking out of the meeting.
The truth of the matter is, this past 3 years has not been about Russia collusion but about how a “deep State” under Obama try to undermine our democracy and attempt to remove a duly elected president of the opposing party.
- Nov. 2019
Who and What Are the Deep State?
The “Deep State” refers to a group of people that works in our government who have a higher agenda. They are unelected officials, appointed by politicians to various agencies who will act to support a political party instead of the people they serve.
For example, the IRS should be a non-partisan agency whose soul function is to collect taxes. Under the Obama Administration, it was politicized where some who worked there, like Lois Lerner, used there position to target Conservative groups for seeking 401c3 status. This is illegal and yet, no one was held accountable. Computers were destroyed and emails lost so as to cover their tracks.
This group is not operating as a conspiracy per se but they represent a group of like minded people who are willing to use their position and power to get their agenda through.
They act above the law and are not concerned about violating our rights.
Another trait of the deep state is they are part of the political elite. They have a sense of entitlement. These are also part of the “swamp” that Trump is working to drain.
How They Operate...
The deep state operate behind the scene. They are insidious. They protect each other. They will use their position of power to attack their opponents, and hide behind some rule or regulation in the name of national security.
A recent whistleblower inside the CIA is a prime example. This agent, with 2nd hand information about a call between Trump and the president of Ukraine, distorted the content of the call and created the impression there was some quid pro quo when it was nothing of the sort once the transcript was released.
This kind of second guessing by low level intelligence officer undermine our system of government.
The Media’s Role...
The news media today are not doing their job. They are suppose to be the watchdog of people in power within our government. Instead, they are acting as cheer leaders of one party over another. They distort the news to suit a narrative. They don’t verify their sources as they suppose to do. They have become part of the problem and use their influence to create dissension among the people. They have lost their credibility.
The Corruption of Government
This is perhaps the worst offense of President Obama. He used his office to influence the various agencies of the Federal government including the IRS, the FBI and the DOJ and the NSA and the EPA and others to go after his opponents.
From targeting the TEA party, and conservatives, to spying on American citizens and candidate Trump, he abused his office and power. His many executive orders and pardons of criminals are also suspect.
The abuses by the IRS is a fundamental crime against the American people. Yet, not one person were prosecuted or went to jail.
The most egregious is the dream act. He changed our immigration law by issuing an executive order. This is not how our system suppose to work. Congress makes laws, and the executive branch execute law. Obama changed the law with the stroke of a pen.
Lois Learner - IRS
John Brennan Lied to Congress
James Klapper
Samantha Powers
Susan Rice
Susan Rice's Unusual Email
In a recent uncovered email sent by Susan Rice to herself, it reported an meeting between President Obama and James Comey, the Director of the FBI.
It is a mystery why she would send this to herself. Why?
James Comey
The corruption of our government undermines our democracy. We have a shadow government operating within the various agencies of our federal government doing the bidding of the rich and powerful. Regardless who is in the White House, they get what they want at the expense of the people.
We are finding out many of this originated from the Obama Administration, and appointments by President Obama.
Regardless which party you support, you must recognize the corrosive nature of this development. We cannot have a shadow government operating within our federal government. It is becoming more and more clear that - All roads lead to Obama.
Some Related Info
- All Roads Lead to Obama - Red Pill Pundit ®
- The Deep State Is Real - POLITICO Magazine
But it might not be what you think. - Confirmed: Unmasking American Citizens For Political Purposes Is a Crime
There have been prosecutions and there will be prosecutions. .10/22/2019 0:46:18AM EST. - IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Jack Lee