America, has spoken!
America, on Nov 2nd 2010, the people of the United States of America, has spoken! In the most unprecedented way, they have spoken. They chose to fire those, who believed in reckless spending. They fired those who believe government was the solution to our problems, and hired those who believe government IS our problem. Ronald Reagan warned us about this, and the people have spoken. Repudiation has been declared upon Washington. Those arrogant elitists, who once promised us that they would run the most honest, most open, most ethical Congress in history, that they would institute the “Pay as you go" system of governing, that they would allow "No, new deficit spending, and they would no longer "burden Americans with no new debt", remember? Well Americans has spoken!
Now, the Americans have a huge amount of work to be done, and see to it, that these newly hired employees do the work of the people. Starting with, extending the Bush Tax Cuts, and restoring Consumer Confidence, and allow business to begin spending money once again, and returning people back to work. Repealing the Healthcare bill, and restore some sanity, by taking a more logical approach to a free market that would offer an affordable, and more effective health care to all Americans. Put an end to earmark spending. No more bailouts, and quit dictating to Americans what is best for them. The American people have spoken!
This is not much of a hub, but rather a moment by me, after a long night of election returns, and a sense of American pride has overcome me.
(I return you back to your regularly scheduled hub.)