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An Economic Dunderhead

Updated on September 20, 2013

Hypocrisy In Action

That's the only way I can describe Barack Hussein Obama in relation to his knowledge of economics. He self- admittedly doesn't know enough about it to fill a thimble so why does he show his complete ignorance trying to talk about something he is clueless about. He's a dunderhead in many areas but this is one of the most important crisis areas we face as a nation and he has failed in even addressing it head on since he took office and will continue to fail, You see Obama thinks he needs to spend more of our tax dollars that we don't have. Will the light ever come on in his pea brain? That's doubtful. His destruction of the US economy has to be intentional- because no one is that damned stupid about balancing a check book. Obama said in 2006, "Raising the debt ceiling is a sign of leadership failure." Being the failure he has proved himself to be the signs must be suffocating him. I listened to some complete moron last night on TV trying to compare Obama to Bush once again. I don't care about Bush at this time. He is long gone and we have this phony fish to fry now.

The link below takes you to a video where Obama tells the Business Roundtable, of all people, that raising the debt ceiling doesn't mean that the national debt is going up. Really? Raising it for Obama means exactly that because he is a spend-a-holic with other people's money. It's akin to some with maxed out credit cards wanting their credit limit raised so they can pay the payments on the money already squandered.

So I'm listening to a commentator, a conservative and a liberal debate that statement last night. All the liberal could fall back on was that conservatives just want to call people names, blah, blah, blah,,, but avoiding the very issue she was there to debate - what Obama said to the business Roundtable. I had to chuckle after a while because the liberal appeared to be even stupider than Obama about simple math and balancing a budget. Both probably think that as long as you have checks in the checkbook there is money in the account. In the governments case the account is the printing press.

Obama's lead in, ""Now, this debt ceiling -- I just want to remind people in case you haven't been keeping up -- raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt.”

Here's what the liberal refused to wrap her head around. It was simple math so I use the word "refused." Now this woman is an educated attorney so it isn't like she lacked a few marbles upstairs. The national debt when Obama took office was around $10.6 trillion when Obama took office. It is now approaching $17 trillion and would have surpassed that by now except that the US Treasury froze the debt clock close to 4 months ago. It hasn't moved! That means that the federal government is balancing the budget right down to the penny. Now if you believe that... I think Obama might.

Obama Doing What He Does Best?

100 times? Okay lets suppose that to be a fact. While we're supposing lets throw in an actual fact he conveniently omitted. Hey Obama! It has increased our debt every time it has been raised! Otherwise there would be no need to raise it one skinny penny. The debt clock also represents "funded" liabilities and doesn't account for the unfunded liabilities. For those reading this with the Obama mind set those liabilities aren't $17 but $90 trillion. Get the picture? See why we need to rein in federal spending and make them run balanced budgets?

Let me see if I have this right for the upcoming mid-term elections. If the debt ceiling is raised once again are you telling the citizens who pay taxes that the federal government will NOT issue any new debt and deal with the existing overspending problems you have created? Lets be clear about the real issues here. If that is the case then don't raise it and instead deal with the necessary spending cuts to begin to solve the problems that you have created for this nation.

It has conveniently slipped Obama's mind that by the time he leaves office, the way things are going, he will have doubled the national debt. Yes, doubled it. All those Democrats, every one of them, voted against raising the national debt in 2006. So it's different now? Someone explain to me why in a rational manner. Obama voted "no" himself.

On the trail in 2008. He seems to have forgotten again what he said to get elected.

At that very same Roundtable Obama launched into his usual demagoguery stating that the Republicans are the problem rather than himself. What did he say? Here you go, “What we now have is an ideological fight that's been mounted in the House of Representatives that says, we're not going to pass a budget and we will threaten a government shutdown unless we repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Again a misstatement from the Lair-in-Chief. Defunding is not repeal. It is just not supplying OUR tax dollars to float a boat that was never meant to float in the first place. A law that was passed without being read. We're 11 days out right now and the panic is setting in deeper and deeper. Some roll out huh? Massive waivers and carve outs already granted before game time and parts of the law illegally delayed because of political convenience. I did mention those coming mid-term elections didn't I?

Look on the bright side Barack. At least now the Republicans are giving the Democrats a reason NOT to pass a budget this time around. So while you're explaining please explain why Harry Reid and his Democratic thugs in the US Senate spent over 4 years and $6 trillion of OUR money by not passing a budget as required by federal law. According to Harry we don't need a budget. Obviously Harry has to go so the Senate can get their business done.

One thing I now know about Obama is that growing up he was always given his way. If he didn't get it he pitched a hissy fit. Obama knows very little about negotiating and compromise. He also seems to miss something designed into the US Constitution - representative government. Has Obama "been keeping up" or more interested in campaigning, playing golf and going on lavish vacations? Political life under the party system isn't intended to be a cake walk. The opposition party has a role. Remember the vote in 2006 which you participated in?

Share it with your followers here and on Face Book, Tweet It, Pin It and do anything else you can to let people read the truth.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Nuff Said?


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