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Australia and the Coronavirus

Updated on April 24, 2020

Australia coronavirus cases 28 March

This photo is how the coronavirus has spread in Australia about the end of March 2020. we have to keep in mind that this virus is spreading quickly, so, everybody is worried, we are all waiting for the instruction from the authorities in charge.
This photo is how the coronavirus has spread in Australia about the end of March 2020. we have to keep in mind that this virus is spreading quickly, so, everybody is worried, we are all waiting for the instruction from the authorities in charge.

About the coronavirus in Australia

Welcome to our article (98) Australia and the Coronavirus

Dear readers, today the entire world is facing this health problem that can even kill you, we hope that this Coronavirus disease will not touch us, and if we happen to catch it, we hope to survive. I hope that I will not catch it, because I am an old man now and old men are those that die most. Anyhow, I hope to survive and one day tell you the story of my survival. So, I have decided to write this article and write those things that seem important; it will be like a diary that will help me remember those things that are happening now.

Anyhow, let me see how I can start my story.

Today is the 26th day of March 2020, and in Australia there are 2728 people that are Coronavirus positive, there are 11 deaths and 118 recovered. The number of the Coronavirus positive seem to grow quickly, so, I am worried. In China were the virus started has 80,000 people with coronavirus, and more than 3000 people have died. To control the spread they have had this lockdown, and people had to stay inside their houses for a few months, this has reduced the number of the infected to a minimum, but still they are worried that the disease can come back.

Many other countries have been infected, so, they have followed their example and locked the inhabitant down, but this virus seems very virile and their infected people continue to increase, today the 27 of March 2020 Italy positive sick is surpassing China, but Italy has 8000 deaths, that is at least twice as many deaths, everybody is worried, as there is no end in sight.

In Australia the government is doing what they can to control this virus, that seems an enemy that we cannot see, but it can kill you. They have banned many activities and told people to stay inside. Many businesses where people can come in close contact have been ordered to close, because people can catch the coronavirus disease.

Here in Australia, the federal government and the state governments do their best, and Scott Morrison the prime minister pops up on TV every now and then, telling us what is being done and what wants us to do to control the spread of this virus. It is near impossible to live a normal life. Everybody is worried and a bit scared and nobody knows how this is going to end. I believe that in Australia, like China and Italy, the entire country or part of it, will be in lockdown soon and nobody can go around, except for those that must do urgent things for survival.


The coronavirus is our invisible enemy

The coronavirus is our invisible enemy, the only way to avoid it, is that we must avoid any contact with it. So, we must try to stay away from anybody, because everybody can be carrying it and they may not even know.
The coronavirus is our invisible enemy, the only way to avoid it, is that we must avoid any contact with it. So, we must try to stay away from anybody, because everybody can be carrying it and they may not even know.

How some people see this situation

Because of the chaos that this epidemic brings with it, people tend to understand what is being said in strange ways, this can bring even more chaos and needs to be sorted out. They go shopping and they buy a lot more than what they need presently, so that they can keep at home for the future; strange as it may seem, the most item that they want is toilet paper, so, they empty the shop shelves of toilet paper, they also want many other items, so, they fill their trollies with whatever they think they might need in the future; this is one of the main strange things that this coronavirus epidemic has brought.

I believe that people are worried and scared, so, they become selfish, they don’t see that if they empty the shelves of toilet paper, because they think that by being clean they can avoid this virus, they don’t see that the fellow next door, can catch the virus because he has no toilet paper, then the virus will jump the fence and catches up with them too; so, they will become infected too. Anyhow this is one of the strange things that people do, but there are many more.

Another thing that I have noted and is worth mentioning is what is happening to one of my family members that rents a house, and lives on a small budget. Anyhow, what I am going to say next, is more to do with what people think and do, is situations like this, than the coronavirus. So, while some of us feel sorry and pray for the sick and the dead and their families, some others want to use the coronavirus to their advantage, and they don’t care about the others. So, I am going to tell you what people do.


The Australian prime minister Scott Morrison

Because of the coronavirus outbreak, the Australian prime Minister Scott Morrison pops up on TV to tell us what is being done and what we need to do. One of these days he is going to put Australia on lockdown, where nobody can go out. .
Because of the coronavirus outbreak, the Australian prime Minister Scott Morrison pops up on TV to tell us what is being done and what we need to do. One of these days he is going to put Australia on lockdown, where nobody can go out. .

What people think and do

Anyhow, these tenants, because of the coronavirus lockdown, they have lost their job, so, they don’t want to pay the rent, or at most pay only half the agreed rent. I don’t understand from where they have picked up this idea, but this is what they want to do. They think that the owners can afford to lose their rent payments, but they cannot. My views on this is that the federal government is giving them enough money to eat and to pay the rent, so they must pay.

This idea of not paying the rent, may have come from some obscure politician that is telling the people that. But the reality is that it cannot be done, because the entire economy will suffer and may even collapse. I am going to talk about this in more details in another article, because now I want to show you what Scott Morrison is giving the people that have lost their jobs.

This example has been taken from the internet, and I quote:

Craig lost his job. He has no other work so made his intent to claim via MyGov. He's not eligible for other welfare.

The Government processed his claim on April 13. His first three payments are (figures are approximate):

April 13: $1,610 made up of:

  • Jobseeker Payment and Energy Supplement (covering 21 days backdated to March 23) — $860
  • Stimulus payment — $750

April 27: $575 made up of:

  • Jobseeker Payment and Energy Supplement — $575

May 11, then every two weeks: $1,125 made up of:

  • Jobseeker Payment and Energy Supplement — $575
  • Coronavirus Supplement — $550

End of quote.

Here I want to point out that they will receive enough money to put food on their table and pay the rent easily. Meanwhile some of the landlord that live on the earnings of their rental properties, will not be able to pay for their food, if they don’t receive their rent payments.

Anyhow, I am sorry that I have taken you to read this rental problem, when I believe our thoughts should be with the coronavirus victims, especially about the European countries, like Italy and Spain that have so many deaths, as you can see, from this coronavirus progress list. Australia is still doing well compared to them, so, may God help Australia to keep the number of deaths to a minimum. I am saying to a minimum, because it is impossible to think any other way.


The coronavirus progresses.

Anyhow, I want to apologies, because we have gone out of our ways and talked about the way people behave, instead of the coronavirus disease.

Anyhow, now let us write a list how the coronavirus progresses in the world, and if we somehow can stop it spreading

Today the 29 of March 2020

China over 81,500 infected, over 3,300 deaths (the country it originated)

USA over 123,000 infected, over 2,700 deaths

Italy over 92,000 infected, over 10,900 deaths

Spain over 73,000 infected, over 6,800 deaths

Australia over 3,900 infected, 15 deaths so far (the country I am writing it from)

We will come back in a few days to see what has changed.

Anyhow, here China seems to have regained some control, but the others have not.

Anyhow, in a few days, we will write hereunder another list to compare what is happening. We hope to have better news then.

Now because of the coronavirus necessary shutdown, people cannot work, and the Australian economy will suffer; this can create a chain reaction that needs to be talked about. So, we are going to write another article, where we talk about the Australian economy and rentals, since rentals are going to be affected.


Let us update the coronavirus progress

Today is the 26 of April 2020, so, it is after one month since we started this article the first time. Now let us write a short list to see how many more people are sick or have died.


United States -----------924,520---------52,296----------100,795




United Kingdom------143,464---------19,506------------1,918



China (mainland)---88,423------------4,632-------------81,785.

What I can say about this updated list is that today, the United States of America is the country with the most confirmed sick, and the most deaths. Italy is the worst off with about 26 thousand deaths, if we consider that Italy is around 60 million people only. Other things to note are: Germany is doing well it has 155,000 confirmed positive, but only 5,760 deaths; the United Kingdom number of recovered is very low, so, we may have to ask, are they not recovering or they are not counting them? The last one I am noting is that China is the country it originated, but China today has a lot of recovered and only 4,632 deaths.

So, I wonder why, and what could be the reason?

Maybe one day will know? Anyhow, this is all for today.

See you soon.



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