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Baghdadi Dead.

Updated on October 28, 2019

Since 2014, when Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, announced himself to the world, atop a mosque, in Iraq, the Islamic and wider world, sat up. Baghdadi, declared himself, a Caliph and said his intention, was to create, Califate. So it turned out, the Islamic State, self-styled name, conquered all before them, in Iraq and Syria.

Their territory became as large as the UK, and one time, 10 million citizens, were under their rule. IS forces even came to the outskirts of Baghdad, itself, chasing fleeing Iraqi forces. IS persecuted, murdered and enslaved minorities, like Yazidis, Christians and even other Muslims.

The West along with local forces, like the Iraqi military, and Kurds joined forces, to push back against IS. So a war of attrition occurred, but then, in the end, IS was soundly defeated as its de-facto capital fell, Raqqa, in Syria, fell. Mopping up operations occurred and so IS, lost its mini-empire.

Baghdadi and other high ranking IS leaders, obviously fled and went into hiding. Eventually, Baghdadi himself was tracked down to a compound, with the help of Kurdish and Iraqi intelligence.

US forces, according to Trump, went into action, landing on the roof, of the compound, from a helicopter. Gunfire erupted from the compound, but US special forces, easily dealt with any opposition. Baghdadi himself, fled with three of his children, into a dead-end tunnel, being chased by American forces, with dogs. Baghdadi, not wishing to be captured, detonated a suicide belt, killing himself, his children, bringing down the tunnel's roof on himself.

Trump, announced the information, yesterday, at a podium. Trump said Baghdadi, was a coward and died, like a dog. DNA samples were taken from the mutilated, unrecognisable body of Baghdadi and it was proved, it was indeed, the IS leader, himself.

A picture was later released, showing Trump, surrounded by military officers, and Mike Pence, his Vice-President. The frame was of Trump and the others, watching live, as the US forces battled IS forces, and chased their quarry, Baghdadi, to ground. The picture of Trump recalled the picture of Obama, watching the operation against Bin Laden.

Trump, lately, has been rocked by many allegations, and he is currently, being investigated for possible impeachment, by the Democrats. This successful operation against the most wanted man in the world will probably bring some cheer to the besieged President.

Trump will be hoping, the slaying of Baghdadi will help his re-election campaign, next year. Many of his supporters, will love Trump, his enemies, however, will not let this distraction, from bringing him down, with possible impeachment, if they can.

IS Leader: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

IS Flag.

Baghdadi Dead, Not Islamic State.

Many today, in the Middle East, and the wider world, will be glad, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is no more. However, Islamic State, itself, both as an ideology and as an organisation, is far from dead.

Reports say, 10,000 Islamic State fighters, still lurk and reside, in the Middle East. Their ranks may have been swelled, by IS fighters, who have broken out of prison, as Turkish forces have driven the Kurds guarding them, away.

There are reports, that Islamic State, already have a new leader, and are ready to hit back in revenge.

Islamic State is growing across the world, in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Indonesia and other places. The war against Islamic State and indeed other Jihadi groups, like Al-Qaeda, goes on.


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