Beautiful songs that guessed it-Communism
These were hip, but did we get the words?
It surprises me that most decades since the 60's have a song that praises and welcomes Communism! Do the song writers even know what happens to the "little people" in Communist countries? My guess is no, because none of them live in one! Below is a list of great songs that were popular and have something else in common. They carry a messages of no weapons, no strength, no security, no Heaven and no God! I like these songs but not the philosophy. Sorry, but I'll take Capitalism any day over an evil regime that kills and starves its own!
Though this is a serious topic, I also write in a "tongue and cheek" style and like to laugh sometimes too.
The Zappas- Let's talk about it.(From America) This one was cool and Dweeezil could really jam on the guitar. Moon Unit sang with such strength, but my goodness listen to what she sang! "Did you hear the news today you won't believe it but its true. We're still making weapons to protect us from you know who. (Russia) If we really need them to keep the peace then they do too. One guy throws the switch, we all die and there is nothing we can do!" Holy Cow! Where did they get the idea that Russia and other empires and dictatorships built weapons only because we did first? Next this was written in 86'. Who do you think the "one guy" who would throw the switch and kill us all was? I know who she meant! Then she flat out talks about Capitalism, Freedom, and Communism, and what she says about them is quite bazaar. Enough on this song. I was just surprised that Frank was okay with it. He was not a Republican and was not Reagan's biggest supporter but, he did appreciate our free society and seemed concerned about America becoming Europeanized.
The Scorpions- Under the Same Sun. (From Germany) This was a beautiful rock ballad, except for the lyrics! This absolutely implies that prayer is useless and talks about Jesus as if He were someone that causes us to fight over! Again, Holy Cow! Then singer says we have to "rearrange" our world, and makes it clear that it does not matter if there is a Heaven above, we just need to love each other and live as one. It was an odd song with a great beat. Though the lyrics disturbed me at first, I stopped taking it serious because of the singer's disclaimer. He says "Sometimes I think I'm going mad...and no one really cares" That was good enough for me, and relieved me because no one will take this gibberish serious!
The next one should not surprise anyone. This was the anthem of Communism and made it sound so wonderful. A man named Armond Hammer, the Communist baking soda king, met with the writer and singer of the next song and shared many ideals with him!
Imagine-John Lennon.( From England) I know, I will take some flack over this one. But come on you know this song and its words! Imagine no God, No Heaven, No Hell, No Countries, No Beliefs. Without possessions,religion and God John implied that we would have peace! If one does not want to believe in anything, then don't! But please do not tell me that I can't.I respect your choice and freedom to believe, deny or whatever. If you think I am being too serious, then please think of the Communist Countries in our world's history. They have outlawed Christmas, weddings in churches, and many other freedoms that we Americans enjoy! Then, they kill their own people who do not conform! What may surprise you is that the Beatles took a serious shot at Communist dictatorships in "Revolution". They "swatted" Chairman Mao, which was awesome! Then John writes this. I wonder wherever John is now, if he knows who killed him and why. How he perished and the conspiracy behind it was sad!
Yes, I love the Beatles, and rock and roll just like I love movies. I just notice what I hear however and pick up on little messages meant to influence us. I hope you do as well.