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By Whose Measurement?

Updated on July 22, 2014

Depending upon what the message is from any politician will depend on whether many people are paying attention or not. Measurements are either qualitative or quantitative types of weighing what you believe. Now days I'm seeing much of the quantity type things affecting people without their weighing the quality of their decisions. An example would be whether to believe that the government needs to be your nanny or whether you are capable of standing on your own two feet and taking responsibility for you and yours.

Barack Obama is one of those types that no matter what actual facts are presented he's not liable to sway from his talking points. Whether that is a function of his narcissistic personality disorder or the pathological liar part of his inner self remains a mystery. The sad part of what we are witnessing is that this president, other than incessantly talking about his job, doesn't do very well what we pay him to do. Or for that matter elected him to do. He talks the talk but his walk leaves much to be desired.

What should frighten anyone is that the guy may actually believe what his teleprompter is telling him to say. Case in point is his appearance at the Obama Pep Rally in Colorado recently. I had heard him say this before, in disbelief I might add, but he stood there once again insisting that "by almost every measure, we're better off than we were when I took office. By almost every measure!" Well Mr. Pretend President most people are now catching on that your measuring cup and ours are different by a long stretch, not a short one.

You, Barack and Moochelle Obama, are probably better off now that you're continually vacationing, fund raising and golfing on our dime but it's our dime and not yours that you need to be paying attention to and aren't. He seems to be on point with Herman Goebbels about repeating the same lie often enough. But is he trying to convince himself or the beleaguered American tax payer? What amazes me the most when I researched videos to find the one presented here is how many time he made the statement about being better off over his term despite the facts saying otherwise.

He Is A Bit Delusional With This Nonsense

He speaks of the economy but must have missed the report about the GDP contracting at a 2.9% rate during the first quarter of 2014. Recession here we come again if it was ever over in the first place with all the smoke and mirrors this guy employs to cover his incompetence. Economic growth is a vital factor in attempting to deal with the problem our enormous federal deficit, which has doubled under his governance, but don't expect it any time soon with his efforts to grow, not shrink, the size of the federal bureaucracy and regulations to dictate to you your every move. We need to create wealth in this nation Obama, not more red tape and endless regulations.

The fact is that under Obama we need at least a 4% growth rate and his average of 2% isn't cutting the mustard to make any progress in expanding like we need to expand. Whoops about how magnificent he is once again!

The first graphic I used illustrates how well off we all are now battling poverty under Obama's astute leadership. Lets throw in the measurement of the use of food stamps too. When Obama assumed office there were 32 million users of EBT benefits. today it has ballooned to 50 million people. Isn't the correct measurement of increased prosperity in this country that those numbers go down rather than up? Am I missing something here? Is a 45% increase in this area an improvement?

Lets get more people dependent upon Big Brother and the Democrats so that they can garner more bennie voters. Remember all those "illegal alien" refugees arriving on our southern border? Guess what they are given when they get here?

Here's a FACT he fails to mention.

He ran those gums in that video about job creation and unemployment figures so lets take a look at the FACTS rather than Obama spin. The labor participation rate at the beginning of the recession was 66% when Obama took office. It now stands at 62.8%. That is one of those employment numbers Obama avoids like the plague. It's a number that one wants to see increase, not decrease as it has. That's the smoke and mirrors part of what Obama's Bureau of Labor statistics (BLS) is presenting as we see an unemployment rate drop. It is an artificial drop in the rate my fellow working Americans.

For you younger folks who got sucked into the Obama snake oil routine two thirds of that drop in the labor participation rate is being borne on your backs, whether you got that college degree or not. Graduating from college and living in Mom's basement isn't my idea of an increase in your being better off and I'm sure Mom and Dad would agree with me.

More S & M concerning job creation too. S&M meaning smoke and mirrors and not the infliction/acceptance of pain. It could apply though when you think about it. Even today, which is a fact Obama avoids, we still lack 400,000 jobs from where we stood when the recession started. That's better off is it? the problem is that Obama, and many of my fellow Americans, don't have a firm grasp of economic ups and downs. because Obama says something doesn't make it true by any stretch of your imagination. I think you know that by now or at least hope you do.

The administration technically claimed that the recession Obama speaks of was over about five years ago. That is a technicality, nothing more and nothing less. Reputable economists will tell you that a steep recession (we were in one at the time) is normally followed by a steep recovery. It isn't happening that way so ask yourself why not. Your answer lies in realizing that this administration is anti-growth policy and more big government policy. They think the federal government creates jobs to this very day.

Obamacare is another disaster which I will save for another day. Let me leave you with this FACT though concerning his enrollment smoke and mirrors act. Let me break it to you easy. A new Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General report just released has revealed that this administration has yet to determine whether 1,295,571 of the over 8 million enrollees in the last Obamacare enrollment go around are U.S. citizens lawfully in our country and eligible for enrollment. They're also called no pays. Whoops!

On that I wish you a good day and the beginning of another week where Obama is closer to becoming bad history.

As always,

The Frog Prince


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