While watching this video that the National Rifle Association (NRA) has published, lunch was no longer an option. Attention had gone from a delicious sun dried tomato turkey wrap to disgust with this thought. What if the rights of the American citizens are being violated? What could be done? This is not just affecting one or a few individuals but all Americans? Now on any other day the NRA wouldn't get the time of day, but this was different.
As citizens of the United States, its our 2nd Amendment Right to bare arms. Then why is the United States government approving the disarming of it citizens? Okay think about this, One World Order, which promises worldwide peace. Did you ever see the movie "Equilibrium?" Alright, you may be thinking that some people watch too much television, but just bare with me. Think about this, if the government decided to wipe a small city in America out, let's say they bomb a particular area. What would they tell the public? That they annihilated their own citizens? No, they'd make up a cover-up story. To the naked eye most people would believe it, but their is always gonna be sceptics out there. Some will question and refute, only to finally be discredited as crazy, nutty, bi-polar, schizophrenic, the list goes on.
Take this example right out of the news. Hearing about the massacre at the Aurora, Colorado theatre was very upsetting. The loss of life was so needless and tragic. The families and survivors are in my thoughts and prayers. I am speechless concerning the gunman. He will receive due justice. There's no need to wonder why he did it. more than likely people will say he is mentally ill, somewhat of a spoiled brat, abused as a child or even that he just flipped. No matter what the reason, it is done. This is a prime example of what the government can use to justify an all out citizen disarmament.
We don't truly know what's going on behind closed government doors. We will only know what they want us to know. Think just a little deeper when things like this happens. Think about it first, once ruled out then question the obvious. No one can prevent the mind from thinking. So let's think people.