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Covid-19 Trust Level Survey

Updated on April 4, 2021
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Among his varied other writing interests, Richard Parr aspires to create interesting and inspiring stories about life.

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When it comes to the question of 'who do you trust?', the current pandemic has highlighted the paradigms through which people choose to interpret fact from fiction, truth from lies, and the trustworthy from the false. Such paradigms are evidenced by the unremitting streams of articles, blogs, videos, posts, comments, forums etc. And every flavour is out there, from those that would trust everything the authorities and control bodies tell them, upholding main-stream media as the ultimate bastions of truth, through to those trusting only their gut while nodding at every conspiracy.

Of course, everybody assumes they've got it figured out, or they're trusting those they think have it figured out. And we all tend to side with those "experts" that favour our flavour, in the hopes they don't let us down.

But who do we trust? Who do we not trust? Are there people seeking to take advantage of the crisis? There's no shortage of finger-pointing. Some think it's the government, others Rockefellers Big-Pharma, the Gates Foundation, the WHO and UN. Others point the finger of mistrust at those not towing the official line, those anarchists of mayhem.

Loosely speaking, those inclined to think outside the box, explore solutions, and seek better ways of doing things, tend to be more distrustful of authority. Which is natural, since these activities start with questioning existing systems, and demand a willingness to challenge the status quo. On the other hand, those who prefer to stay grounded in reality and tradition and who are more open to building relationships, are more likely to trust authority figures.

To whatever level you trust or distrust of authority, how one manages their scepticism is important. Some degree of wariness and activism is a good thing, but deep distrust manifesting in constant defiance, paranoia or alienation can be unhealthy and counter-productive. That said, there have been many times in history where it has proven warranted and true.

So now's your chance, let's put it to a fifteen question survey. How untrusting are you?

[Disclaimer: The questions are important, but don't take the results too seriously]

How Untrusting Are You?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Richard Parr


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