Can You Spot the Difference
Whistle Blowing
What is the difference between a Russian lawyer blowing the whistle on corruption in his Government and a US security contractor blowing the whistle on his Government illegally taping into private communications?
The Russian lawyer who blew the whistle on corruption in Russia was praised by the US as a hero. After dying the lawyer was still tried in Russia to discredit him.
Snowden is being hunted down by the US for speaking up against the US Government. What is the difference?
Cross Border Conflict
What is the difference between drones bombing terrorists in Pakistan and the Syrian shelling terrorists in Lebanon?
The US justifies its use of drones to carry out bombing missions in Pakistan by stating that they are targeting what they are certain are terrorists and therefore can continue that pursuit across international borders indiscriminately.
The Syrian Government forces, shell what they consider terrorists hiding in Lebanon and when they do this, the US says it is illegal. What is the difference?
Now that the US have been caught spying on their friends, they play it down saying all countries do it and so it is no big deal.
When some country is caught spying on the US, the US demand that embargoes and sanctions be placed against that country. What is the difference?
- An American Dictatorship
The United States asks countries to hold free and fair elections, but are theirs? Is the US really a worse dictatorship than most?
Now I am not saying that any of these actions are right or wrong, I am only pointing out that there is a difference when the US does something and when someone else does the same thing, well that is the view of the US Government anyway, but why?
The United States are trying to promote themselves as the peacekeepers in the world, the light of freedom and justice that the rest of the world should follow, yet they let their arrogance soar and have their hypocrisy in free fall.
The first rule of justice is equality, equal rights and that no one should be held above the laws that the rest must stick to.
Surely then, if the US really wants to be the model for the rest of the world, it should first get its leaders in order, and have them comply with the rules, that they themselves would impose on others. Only when they have successfully accomplished that can they expect the rest of the world to look up to them with respect and look to them as a lead to follow on a course of equality and justice.
And More Hypocrisy
- New Heights in Hypocrisy
Saudi Arabia is complaining to the United Nations about human rights violations in Syria. Do they have a right to do this considering that they have the worst human rights record in the region? What should the US do about it?