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Charities For Children and Adults at Christmas Toys For Tots Salvation Army Red Kettles

Updated on May 15, 2016

Times Are Tough

If times are tough for you this year, imagine how much harder things are for those who already were struggling before the economic nightmare of America?

We are all in hard times, even myself, as I sit and write this Hub I can't help but worry about the eviction notice that is looming over my family. But even though I am scared for my future, my eyes do not look away as I see the man on the corner holding a sign that reads," Will Work for Food."

I can't help but tuck a tear while watching families push a shopping cart full of every possession they own, only to wonder where they will lay there head tonight.

The Red Kettle

As you shop at the local grocery store or head to the mall with your Christmas list this year, take a moment to say 'hello' to the man or woman standing outside the door ringing the bell with the red kettle.

It is a Salvation Army volunteer.

The red kettle has become as much of a tradition as putting up the Christmas Tree. However, in our own financial despair, we have become immune to the bell and the red kettles meaning.

In 1891, Salvation Army Captain Joseph McFee was very disturbed with the fact that so many families in San Francisco were going to bed hungry. He vowed to make a difference. He planned to provide a free Christmas dinner to the poor. He recalled a time in Liverpool where a pot would sit at the shore of a boat landing. People would contribute to the pot to help the poor. He decided this to be the best solution. Soon after placing kettles he had enough money to feed those folks, and the red kettle spread throughout America.Today in the U.S., The Salvation Army assists more than four-and-a-half million people during the Thanksgiving and Christmas time periods.

Although I am struggling, I will donate. I will give Charity for Christmas.

These are not paid individuals that stand out in the cold and below freezing temperatures, these are real people fighting for all us to have dinners, clothing, and toys for our families in need.

I am hurting, but I have 5 or 10 cents, maybe even a dollar to spare. If all of us would just remind ourselves that we are really just a paycheck away from poverty, we would and can make a difference.

You can also donate online at the link provided. Donations of food, clothing,toys or your time can be made at your local Salvation Army.

Angel Tree

Prison Fellowship has begun the Angel Tree program. It is estimated that 1.7 million parents are in our Prison System  today. It isn't about the parent who commited the crime, it's about the child left behind. These children are left feeling abadoned, scared and forgotten. Children of incarcenated parents often have low self-esteem just due to not having regular contact from their parent. They often forget the care.

Angel Tree brings the greates gift of all to these children, love. For day of miracles, it really is to see the faces of these children as their parent reaches outside the bars of prison and into their hearts. With the help of a prison chaplain, Angel Tree receives applications from incarcerated parents that would like our help in sending Christmas gifts to their children. Churches are registered and children are assigned to churches. Church members then become 'sponsors' to these children. The sponsor purchases the gift and delivers it to the child with the parents written word as well as the gospels.

Truly a non-judgemental and inspirational message to send to a child. Online donations can be made at the link provided.

Make a Wish

Since 1980, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has enriched the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions through its wish-granting work. Starting with a mere $15.00 donation from a local grocer, the wishes of these brave children have been coming true since.

It is hard on anyone to think of a child who is terminally ill. I cannot imagine the fear this child has, the heartache of the parents and the frustration of the medical team. What a beautiful thing The Make a Wish Foundation does.

Donate online at the following link, you have the power to offer a child and their family a day of dreams coming true.

Toys For Tots

Toys for tots Began in 1947, when Major Bill Hendricks, USCR and a group of Marine Reservists in Los Angeles collected and distributed 5,000 toys to needy children. The mission continues.

Drop off an unused toy at one of many Toys for Tots locations, at Christmas, coordinators,  local social welfare agencies, church groups, and other local community agencies, distribute the toys to the less fortunate children of the community. Many volunteers and local businesses contribute to this wonderful program. For many children around the nation who would normally have nothing to open under the tree, Toys For Tots gives children the smile they deserve.

For a store carrying the Toys For Tots donation centers, please follow the link provided. You can also donate online using Ebay, Amazon, or Paypal.

 Holidays are a time of giving. Give from your heart and offer Charity for Christmas!

Do You Need Help?

Due to the overwhelming outcry for help this year. I have added a Hub to help you find assistance with Christmas!

Again, I urge you not to leave your personal email in the comments, there are a lot of people who may appear to want to help you and will do just the opposite. Please press the link to the right for help!


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