Jeb Bush, Chris Christie,the moderates in the Republican party.
When this republican party self destructs, led by the extremists in control now, these men hope to rebuild it in 2016
It has been reported that Governor Christie has come to the conclusion that Romney can't defeat Obama in 2012,he is not alone, many republican strategists and insiders have come to the same conclusion and have stated so behind closed doors. This may or may not be true , but for what we have seen so far Christie's keynote speech at the republican convention is consistent with this notion.Some say he was 1600 words others say 1800 words before he mentioned Mitt Romney in his speech,in any case it is evident the speech was more about Christie 2016 than Romney 2012.Another strong piece of evidence to confirm this is the fact that some of the big tent party republicans and moderates are slowly starting to come out in public and timidly starting to speak,of course they are still in time out, but we are starting to see their faces again.And we already know who some the leaders of the new republican party after the debacle in november are going to be,we saw them at the convention Jeb Bush and Chris Christie. Jeb Bush must be thinking,"I bet my last name doesn't sound so bad now, does it? "
Maybe Romney will win the election in which case the scenario changes dramatically, but if he loses to Obama.......
The fight within the republican party will be brutal, between a faction led by the current people in control of the party in the present , and a coalition of all the people kicked to the side and expelled by these, such as moderates,establishment republicans and even neo-cons.If you thought the last republican primaries were a little on the nasty side , just wait until the next primaries come around.These people don't like each other, and the extremists in control of the party today, along with the tea partiers and the right wing talking heads who have only enjoyed being in power for a few years are not going to give up that power easily and fade into the background, most of these people are not devoted republicans anyway the republican party is just the only vehicle available for them to achieve their political goals. and many of them would rather see it disappear and be replaced by what they would consider a true conservative party anyway,so they wouldn't consider it a great loss, and many would even welcome the republican party's downfall.Like the talk show loudmouths Mark Levin and Sean Hannity,just to name a couple.
As the party shrinks the current rulers of the republican party double down on their extremist policies.
Under the misconception that the sound-box they get their feedback from: the tea party movement, the fox news network,the right wing talk listeners constitutes the majority of the country they have taken the party in a direction that has no possibility of growth in the future and it's own survival as a viable political party is in question.The percentage of black voters who currently support the republican candidate is at a historic 0 percent, yes zero percent!The largest minority and growing , the hispanic voters that favor the republican party is right now 22 percent and declining. The only demographic that is majoritarily republican is white middle aged men.This demographic will diminish in time and so will the pool of voters the republican party can expect to support them.This is a fact that will not change it is inevitable ,so if the republican party refuses to acknowledge this and continues to be seen as hostile to minorities , notice I say seen , because they can scream all day long how much they love minorities, but if us, the minority population see the republican party as the party that doesn't like us we will not vote for them.Jeb Bush has spoken repeatedly about the need of the party to continue to be inclusive to all ,and Chris Christie even brought up bi-partisanship in his keynote address at the republican convention in Tampa, which proves to us that both Bush and Christie are not interested in being part of this crash and burn Kamikaze Republican party.