Communists in the U.S. Congress?
Congressional Progressive Caucus
I watched Bill Moyers the other night. He had a piece about congressman Allen West who is a Republican Representative from the state of Florida. He is a highly decorated veteran and I thank him for his service to our country. But when he was questioned by a local group about the number of communist in congress, his answer was he believed there were 78 to 81 democrats that are communist. He said they call themselves the "Congressional Progressive Caucus."
Allen West in Action
Witch Hunts
Bill Moyers said the remarks by Allen West reminded him of ghost from the past. The ghost's was Joseph McCarthy who was known for the "Witch Hunts" of the 1950's. McCarthy was a congressman for 10 years and supposedly had a list of people in government who were accused of being communist. The list also led to people outside of government who were in the entertainment industry and other fields. After making life miserable for many of the accusers, McCarthy was proven wrong by congressional investigations and was censured by congress for what he had done.
Made in America?
I find that it is very interesting that congressmen who call others communist are the same people who support large corporations outsourcing jobs to...wait for it...Communist China. That's right I said Communist China.
We don't think of China as being a Communist country because we do business with them and we owe them a whole lot of money. In addition, we have lost a whole lot of jobs because of the outsourcing to China. Maybe if labels said "Made in Communist China" instead of "Made in China", people would think differently.
Is it Communism or Capitalism?
China is a mixed bag. It's governance and politics are pure communism. While it's economics and trading model are a form of capitalism. The United States currently owes China 1.16 trillion dollars.
According to a study released on September 20, 2011 by the Economic Policy Institute, the U.S.-China trade deficit has eliminated or displaced nearly 2.8 million U.S. jobs, of which 1.9 million or 70 percent were in manufacturing.
The use of Words
Congressman Allen West should be careful as to who he calls a Communists unless he can prove that they really are in the true sense of the word. And if he supports corporations that outsource to China, then isn't he consorting with the Communist? Here is the exact quote from Allen West defending his use of the word Communist:
The quote is from the Huffington Post, 4/25/12
"Specific 'party' affiliation is not the point of the discussion -- it is rather affiliation with a set of ideals," West writes. "Conservatives adhere to the ideals of individual responsibility and freedom, limited government, a free market and a strong defense.
Those on the liberal left adhere to a collective ideal, directed and controlled by a centralized government to guarantee and enforce social and economic justice."
Editors Note:Here is the preamble to the Constitution:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Promote the General Welfare
So does that mean the framers of the constitution were communist, because they wanted to promote the general welfare? Does that mean that Social Security, Medicare, Health Care Reform, food stamps, Unemployment insurance, interstate highways, FDA, EPA, USDA, DOT etc. are all communist plots by democrats because they want to Promote the General Welfare?
Sometimes people including congressman use words that are very powerful but are not intended to serve the true spirit of the word or phrase but rather are used as propaganda. (See my hub page on how to recognize propaganda.)
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