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Concerns About Refugees and the Mafia

Updated on May 10, 2020

Two types of Italian refugees

Today  there are two types of refugees in Italy, the earthquake refugees, that have become refugees in their own native land, because they are now homeless. They hope that the government rebuilds their houses and the mafia stays out of it.
Today there are two types of refugees in Italy, the earthquake refugees, that have become refugees in their own native land, because they are now homeless. They hope that the government rebuilds their houses and the mafia stays out of it.
There are too many overseas refugees arriving in Italy every day. They come by boat, like the one you see here, which is very overcrowded, or anything that floats, the Italian navy goes to help them, when those unseaworthy vessels sink in the sea.
There are too many overseas refugees arriving in Italy every day. They come by boat, like the one you see here, which is very overcrowded, or anything that floats, the Italian navy goes to help them, when those unseaworthy vessels sink in the sea.

Concerns about refugees and mafia

Welcome to our article (62) concerns about refugees and mafia

About the refugees and the mafia

Dear readers, we want to call this article, concerned about the refugees and the mafia, because we are worried about them. Anyhow, in the last two articles, we have been talking about the earthquake in central Italy, which has destroyed many houses; so, the people affected have nowhere to live and have become refugees in their own country. Therefore, they are like the illegal emigrants, which are refugees that are coming from outside Italy. Anyhow, these two sorts of refugees both concern the Italian economy, as they both need money to solve them. We can say that these two issues need to be fixed. But these problems that exist in Italy, they exist in other parts of the world too, but they may need a different approach to solve them.

We know already that the Italian government has promised to rebuild the buildings that have been damaged from the earthquake. So, that is something positive. Now under normal circumstance and given time, with the knowledge that we have today, these problems can be solved easily. But then, it might not be that easy, because of dishonest people around, like the existing mafia in Italy, that tries to grab money from anybody that handles money.

In my personal views. The way I understand it is this; whenever, in Italy there are large sums of money to be spent, soon enough the Italian mafia wants a share of this money, which is an act so low and disgusting, that it can make me feel ashamed of being Italian.

Anyhow, I know that today the Italian mafia are only criminals, which want only to grab as much money as they can; but the mafia has not been like that all the time, in fact, even today the word mafia to the Sicilians, and to other regions near Sicily, the word mafia means a person or a group of people that are fearless and are not letting anybody take them for fools, they are like an authority, as we are going to explain hereunder in this article.

Al Capone famous mafia person

Today the mafia is different from their beginning they are mostly criminals, here is one colourful mafia person, Al Capone, a very colourful American criminal  of the thirties. Today all the mafia people are criminals.
Today the mafia is different from their beginning they are mostly criminals, here is one colourful mafia person, Al Capone, a very colourful American criminal of the thirties. Today all the mafia people are criminals.

Talking about the mafia

Today the mafia is a problem that should concern everybody in Italy. The mafia of today, is different from the original mafia, this is the reasons why, old people see the mafia a bit different from being plain criminals. The mafia origin is very old, just like the history of Sicily is very old, and here is where the mafia organization began. So, to understand the mafia origins, we need to go back in history, and then try to understand the way of life that the people in Sicily had to live with.

Because Sicily is an island right in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, it has been invaded many times, so, every new ruler imposed their own way of dictatorship, which most times made the Sicilians people suffer. But the Sicilians are strong willed people and proud to be Sicilian, so, they try to have their own rules, like another government within the ruling government. They were sometimes doing this together with the ruling government of the day, at other times they were rebels that would help the people, that were suffering from the foreign government rules.

There were times in the past, when we can say that the old mafia has played a good part, and has been like a Sicilian government for the people of Sicily, which had its own rules, and most times they opposed those foreign rules, that would hurt the Sicilian people the best way they could. Well that is the good part of the mafia in the old days, of course, there were also bad things done, but that is a different story, today we want only to compare the old good mafia, with today criminal mafia, which does completely nothing positive for the Sicilian people, or any other community that they happen to be in.

But let us go back to the reasons, why we are talking about the mafia in this article. We are talking about it, because we are afraid that the criminal mafia of today, will not help the people that need help, they will only rob them of the help the government or other institutions provide for these people. So, in my opinion they should be ashamed of themselves, because they do not provide any service at all to the community that need help. Therefore, today to look at the mafia as an organization that the people can accept is impossible, they should be seen only as criminal, because this is how low the mafia has become, they are just plain criminals.

It is a known fact, that wherever is money to be spent, the mafia pretends a share of it, they do not provide any services, as they did or pretended to do in the past, they only tell the people to give them a share of it, or you will be killed. It is shocking to rob the poor people that want to do the right things and those that need help? We hope that the Italian authorities can catch them and neutralize them by throwing them in jail. So, that the people that work to rebuild the buildings damaged from the earthquake, are left in peace and can do their job, without worrying about the nasty mafia people.

We could say more about the mafia, and the problems that concerns the people that have lost their houses, and they have become refugees in their own country, and how we see the problem that the Italian government is facing to fix their houses, including the control of the mafia. Anyhow, we want to keep this article brief, so, we should move on. Because I want to say something about the other refugees that come from overseas, as this is also a problem that Italy is facing today, therefore, we need to be concerned about it too.


Some of the rescued refugees

Every day the Italian navy and other helpers are forced to rescue many refugees from the Mediterranean Sea before they drown, when their boats sink, lots of these rescued refugees end up in italy.
Every day the Italian navy and other helpers are forced to rescue many refugees from the Mediterranean Sea before they drown, when their boats sink, lots of these rescued refugees end up in italy.
Some of these boats are lucky enough to cross the Sea and reach the coast of Italy, where they disimbark hoping to find a better life. Anyhow that is what they wish for, but most times it does not work out like that.
Some of these boats are lucky enough to cross the Sea and reach the coast of Italy, where they disimbark hoping to find a better life. Anyhow that is what they wish for, but most times it does not work out like that. | Source

Concerns about the overseas refugees

Now that we have talked about the earthquake in Italy, and the Italian refugees that have lost their house, and have become refugees in their own country, we have said the problems that the Italian government can encounter, because the criminal mafia may ask money to the people involved in rebuilding.

Now, let us mention that Italy has this other problem of the illegal refugees, so, we hope that we can write a few things down, which would highlight the problems they can cause, hoping that during our discussions we can suggest something that can be useful.

So, let us say something about the refugees that come from overseas, because we think that they can cause many problems in Italy in the future, therefore, we want to point out what we see coming; let us start from the ways they are coming, which is not right, because most of them may not be refugees, they are people that want to find a better life, because they believe that there is a better lifer to be found.

What is usually happening we believe is this: they want to go to Europe, because they have learned from their friends, who have already moved there, that in Europe, the standard of life is better than in their native land. So, whether they are refugees that have been displaced from catastrophic events, like wars or another natural event, or they are just wanting to try this new life, we don’t know; but they move in large numbers from many countries. The worrying part is that they are moving in large numbers, so, it is hard for the countries that takes them in, to cope with all these illegal emigrants. For this reason, they are causing problems, and they are going to cause lots of problems, when they arrive and in the future.

Some people still think, that it is okay to take them in and help them; well we should say that on humanitarian grounds we should help them. But at the same time, we must look, if in the long run, they will cause unforeseen problems to the countries that they have moved in. We believe that there are going to be many problems, so, we wish that this illegal emigration can be stopped if possible or controlled. But some people don’t see it this way, so, instead of discouraging them they write articles that encourage them to go to Europe, like an article that I found on the internet, which I am going to quote some of it here-under.

Here are some benefits of living within the European Union:

Easy relocation to another country within the EU without the need to emigrate. In some countries, you may need to register, and you may have to have an income or a job, but that is all about it.

Then, he goes on telling other things and the freedom you can have, if you live in Europe to visit many countries and makes a list of them. The twenty member countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, the Netherland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom until it moves out in 2018.

Then this writer continues to explore the benefits for the people that live in the European Union, and the choice that they have, so, for me that I see problems ahead is upsetting, and I wish he did not write that. However, not everybody is the same, and we all have the right to say what we believe is right for us.

Anyhow, I could say a lot more about my own views, but I believe that this article is becoming too long, so, I will write about these issues that are worrying me in our next article. Other Italian concerns.

See you soon.



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