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Change the World Like Eric Clapton by Connecting Communities

Updated on January 10, 2022
Changing the world requires a deeper connection beyond our local boundaries.
Changing the world requires a deeper connection beyond our local boundaries. | Source

How Do We Change the World?

What things can we do to change the world and why do we fear to do them?

Is it fear that prevents us from taking action or is it something else?

It could be that our personal priorities take precedent over our deep concern about our neighbors' well being. We are so preoccupied with ourselves and our own families that our immediate communities surrounding us have become more disconnected. It's a peculiar phenomenon of the Information Age.

As we become more connected online, through social media and the Internet, somehow our "real life" communities become more fragmented and eviscerated from one another. In order to change the world, we must think on a grand scale but act on a small one that is more manageable within our own communities and neighborhoods.

It's the classic mantra of "think globally, act locally" that will change the world for the better. Connecting communities is the objective.

So the basic, yet essential question is: How can we connect our communities?

Video: Change the World by Eric Clapton

1. Congregate in the Real World

It is a simple but essential action that is necessary to take place if you want to form connecting communities that have any real power to promote change. People must first meet somewhere to share their ideas and form a real sense of community. Real connections are made possible when people meet face-to-face.

Assembling people at places on a regular basis, such as schools, community centers, places of worship, coffee shops, conference buildings and other areas in the community makes real collaboration possible.

Here is where people can voice their concerns about issues both in their local neighborhoods and discuss global problems that affect us all on a wider scale.

This small step plants the seed in our backyard to grow big trees in the world's jungle.

Having more face to face interactions is one of the first steps.
Having more face to face interactions is one of the first steps. | Source

2. Use the Internet for Engaging and Connecting Communities

Social media and networking on the Internet can be used for more than just "poking" people on Facebook and "chirping" to your friends on Twitter. On a local scale, tools like these can be used to promote social and political change if used effectively with people who are concerned about solving problems in the real world.

Members of your local community can use the Internet to collaborate with one another and raise awareness about problems in their neighborhoods, cities and even stretch their voice as far as to what's happening across the country.

Again, the focus should be local, but imagine what kind of influence it would have on society if every small community across a country empowered itself in this way?

It would be an effective vehicle for raising awareness about issues that matter to people and would encourage change in a positive way.

Ending with Inspiration from Eric Clapton

If I could reach the stars
Pull one down for you,
Shine it on my heart
So you could see the truth:

That this love I have inside
Is everything it seems.
But for now I find
It's only in my dreams...

Please leave your comments below the video to share your thoughts about how we can make the world a better place to live for us and our children.

Handling the World with collaborative care can change it for a better future.
Handling the World with collaborative care can change it for a better future. | Source

3. Involve Local Government and Businesses

Communities can do a lot on their own without relying on the help of government or businesses in their local neighborhoods, but getting government and businesses on board can help change things radically.

It is like getting Goliath and David united to focus on a mutual goal. There isn't much that will stand in their way once the train gets rolling.

When individual communities strengthen, they have the power to influence government decisions. The businesses in the community have a diversity of connections and deep pockets to help get the problems solved efficiently.

To change the world for the better it seems like a daunting task when tackling it on an individual basis. However, if one individual can unite his or her own local community, then that community's actions can have the power to influence millions.

One person's actions can create a snowball effect by connecting communities of the world together and fuel the momentum for positive change on a global scale.

How active are you in your local community?

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