Crazy Uncle Joe - Part II
Sequester Schmester Alrighty Now!
I wrote about our Crazy Uncle Joe wasting away a cool $1 million for two nights lodging in Paris and London and that seemed to have caught a few people's outrage and more people should be outraged and writing their elected representatives. They have stopped The People's House tours and are now talking about now closing airport control towers to the detriment of the public's safety. You need to now acknowledge that this administration doesn't care about anything but its own twisted agenda - the public be damned. As Moochelle would say, "Let them eat sugar free cake."
You can read Part i at the link below but I have previously written about our Crazy Uncle's shenanigans before. The dust is beginning to settle on the waste of our $1 million and ups pops another nugget in the middle of sequestration. If you haven't the slightest clue yet may I suggest that you wake up. These idiots that we keep sending to Washington DC have no intention of cutting spending. You cut yours but let them continue to live the elitist life style they have carved out for themselves.
So what has our Crazy Uncle Joe done now in the name of being entitled at our expense? Please read on.
Crazy Uncle Joe is the true embodiment of the type of entitled, elitist Democratic politician on the political landscape we are now surveying. He just happens to be a leader of the Democratic political apparatus but this is pretty prevalent, this attitude, that has permeated Washington DC. In his case please understand that we provide our Crazy Uncle with a pretty opulent lifestyle in Blair House that is one of his perks. Hang on. I'm going somewhere with this.
By Biden's own admission he has been flying home to Delaware on the weekends. The problem isn't that he is home sick. The problem is that we, the US tax payer, has been paying for this excess too. Something wrong with Blair House Joey? How do we now know this? Joey does have a big mouth you know. He bragged about it in front a gathering of the National Association of Attorney's General. He complained that the sequestration is forcing him to alter, temporarily I might add, excessive spending habit and take a train! EGAD - not the train!!!
Now you need to understand the sheer audacity of these elitist pick pockets we call professional politicians or maybe you don't come to think of it. They keep being sent back over and over again to continue to damage our nation and its economy. Wilmington, Delaware is but about 100 miles from the nation's Capitol. Biden has been using Air Force Two to get there and back. Air Force Two is a modified version of a Boeing 757-200 aircraft so lets do some quick math here with tax payer money.
Sorry Joey! Fresh Out Of Ink!
So we're dealing with 100 miles and a Boeing 757. Factoring in both flight time and taking off and landing we're somewhere around 45 minutes of Joey's time. His time is more valuable than yours you see. You are just supposed to shut up and pay the bill for this clown show. Industry experts estimate the cost of flying Air Force Two at approximately $,8,800 dollars. That's $8,800 per hours ladies and gentlemen. Plugging in the time involved and the flight costs each time he has done this round trip it has cost the US tax payer at least $13,200.
The reason I said "at least" is because the cost of ground transport on both ends isn't factored into it yet. Now Crazy Uncle Joey's rationale about Air Force Two is because he is now the VP. He has to have his Secret Service entourage with him. He rode the train for years as a Senator. what he didn't explain in that same breath was why that he now isn't a Delaware Senator why he has to return there every weekend that he can. No one should ever expect any logic to come out of Biden's mouth I can tell you.
These Digs Not Good Enough For Our Uncle On The Weekends Huh?
It is reported that Uncle Joe has a golf addiction akin to Daddy Barack's. I personally don't care about Crazy Joey's addictions unless the tax payer is paying for them. We are. Here we are printing money to keep our heads above water as a nation and piling debt on top of our children and their children and we see this sort of elitist garbage going on and someone, in this case the Vice President of the country, trying to justify this sort of excessive spending.
QUOTE OF THE DAY FROM PART I BY AN ASTUTE COMMENTER: "So let me get this straight ..... we take away tuition assistance from our military members because we can't afford it, but we can pay for a million dollar weekend for the VEEP, find out how fat lesbians are and research the size of duck genitals. ..... does Washington even have a clue of what priorities are? Wow!"
Yes chuckd1738 you have that straight and now we can now heap another helping onto your plate.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince
Uncle Joe Goes Bonkers - Part I
- Uncle Joe Goes Bonkers!
Living large seems to be the watch word of the Obama administration even as we sequester away. A million dollars for two nights lodging for our Crazy Uncle Joe and his band of gypsies is outrageous!