Crazy Uncle Joe Tells The Truth
Finally Told The Truth Joey?
Finally there is something both our Crazy Uncle Joe and most of us who have felt the pinch the last four years can agree upon. There is usually a difference between a gaffe and the truth and in this instance pure truth oozed out of the Crazy Uncle's mouth. Yes Joe, the middle class has been taking it squarely in the shorts these past four years along along with everybody else who has been touched by this administration's economic destruction. You finally got it right did ya?
What you said out there while acting the buffoon in Charlotte, NC should be a clear signal to any undecided voters that it's time for a change and we're not talking about changing diapers. It won't matter to the Obama sheeple among us because they are still so drunk on the koolaid that Jim Jones himself would be proud. What old Crazy Joe said was that the middle class “has been buried the last four years.” Now I know the liberals will say we're taking him out of context but it is exactly what he said yesterday. And he was spot on about it - deadly earnest in his own words.
He Was "Deadly Earnest"
I've listened to that clip at least a dozen times and have to concur with Biden which doesn't happen often. Reality is sometimes cruel and most people, except the koolaid slurpers, know that the economy has gotten worse since this administration promised us that they were going to fix it. As far as taxes goes, he opened up another can or worms since Obamacare is slamming the middle class with a rather substantial tax increase as it is implemented. If it hasn't hit you yet then hang on because it will. I know that Joey's boss probably isn't at all happy that Joey pointed out the obvious to the crowd of hand picked sheeple out there in Charlotte.
So If You Don't Want To Bury Something You Do What?
What has buried the middle class these past four years? Among other things excessive regulations, a failed energy policy resulting in high energy prices which have resulted in high everything else prices, and an administration that has spent money like a drunken sailor on shore leave without bothering to pass a budget along the way. I mentioned the passage of Obamacare.
Paul Ryan summed it up nicely yesterday when he called the spade a spade. The middle class is being buried by the failed economic policies of this administration. It isn't at all strange right now that Team Obama wants to talk about anything and everything but the state of the economy after four years of incompetence and mismanagement. I'm looking forward to the one Vice Presidential debate because of the carnage that will result when a very smart man (Ryan) meets a dolt (Biden).
That graphic above is the left's defense about the truth spilling from Biden's lips. It was the typical refrain of "blame Bush." I guess the blame game will only cease when we show Obama and Biden the door back into the real world the rest of us reside in. The economy started getting rough when the Democrats took control of the Congress in January of 2007. How easy they forget who appropriates the funds to run the nation. Or is it that they never were required to study the three branches of our government, the contents of the US Constitution and who is responsible for doing what?
I am beginning to wonder, if by the slim chance that Obama is reelected, who he is going to blame for inheriting the situation he created. That's a head scratcher for sure. Well Barack, you gave it your best shot son and you failed. Life is like that and hopefully the citizens of this nation have learned a valuable lesson with this crap shoot at social engineering of electing the most unqualified, inexperienced person to ever be elected as the CEO of this great nation of ours.
Crazy Joe also had that right during the 2008 run when he pointed that very fact out. He said Obama wasn't experienced enough to run this country and he was right about that too.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince
Today's Hub...
- Barack's Teleprompter Smackdown
Last night's debate was one of the best in years. Here was a mental, ideological midget taking on a man who knows his business. The left is throwing Obama under the bus and we still have more debates to go. We hear how great Obama can speak, not with