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Warning, Growing Organic Food May be a Crime

Updated on January 18, 2022
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Natural Resources and man-made disasters, counting the cost.

August 04, 2010. Before this legislation was passed...

Selling Your Produce at the Farmers Market Can Get You Time...

If you or the farmer you bought produce, eggs or milk from did not register their seeds, their plans and a detailed report, it could be a crime.

Not just fruits, herbs and veggies, critters too. Fresh eggs? Milk, could be a crime. Lulu World = everything is upside down for ONE corporation to make Billions and have all patents to all FOOD

What is in Your Food?

Demand to know what is in your food. What pesticides, what hormones.
Demand to know what is in your food. What pesticides, what hormones. | Source

Keep them Out of Our Gardens and Small Farms

For years Monsanto and Dow have been conducting numerous Food - Pesticide experiments on Food and Humans. They have finally managed to have a Bill introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives HR875. This was Sponsored by Representative Laura DeRosa. The Senate version of this Bill is S425.

Already the HR875 bill has 40 supporters. Perhaps you as an American feel you have done your duty by voting in the National or Primary elections. This type of thinking is why laws and rules are so skewered and benefit large industries and dirty polluters. When rulemaking is in process, there is a limited time for Public Comments, and there are often Public Meetings. Being an activist most of my life, I can attest that often 4 or 5 citizens will show up or respond, while hundreds of those in the Industry show up, write letters, hire attorneys and make sure their input is felt. This lack of activism on 97% of the U.S. Citizenry must change or we are doomed.

Today, I am making a plea. If you care about the small farmer, if you love the idea of eating good and wholesome food from your own garden without interference from a Government dictated by chemical manufacturers, then I beg you to contact your Senator and Congresspersons today! Demand they vote against another Biological experiment by the same companies who brought you, Agent Orange.

Dow and Monsanto have long, and horrible histories of leaving areas so toxic, these lands, and waters, cannot be used by humans any longer. Today, stand up and refuse to have our futures polluted even further by genetically altered food, and seeds that are created in a laboratory - simply for a few stockholder's bottom lines.

I noticed one YouTube video that tried to say that all of this will be monitored and will be run by the FDA...This is the same FDA that approves prescriptions and other food sources that are deadly and create new diseases. Please stand up and be counted. Leave a possible healthy future of food for this world. Please, Don't Do Anything!

11.11.10 - This will be one of those things we can come back and read, remembering we were given ample warning these changes would affect those who only seek to feed their families and neighbors.

It is 07/22/2014, and all that we feared came to pass. Many organic farms and stores are being raided, their livestock destroyed, and their farms ruined.

Follow up HR875 - S425 Criminalization of Organic Farming

The Genetic Conspiracy - Pt 1 of 3

Monsanto Patent for a Pig 1 of 5

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2010 Lori J Latimer


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