Did You Think You Were Voting for Obama in 2012?
A Hart e-Voting machine
Did you vote on the e-voting machines?
If you were voting on the e-voting machines manufactured by Hart-Intercivic, with H.I.G. Capital Group as a major investor, and partly owned by Mitt Romney, Tagg Romney (son of Mitt), Ann Romney and G. Scott Romney, a brother of Mitt. (Business Insider)
There's a big story circulating on liberal blogs and news sites right now.
"The gist of the story is this:
The Romney family has invested in the third-largest voting machine manufacturer in the United States, a company that makes the e-voting machines used in crucial swing states like Ohio and Colorado.
The story is based on an article reported by Gerry Bello, Bob Fitrakis, and Harvey Wasserman of The Free Press, that was published on October 18th."
Does this sound familiar? Wonder where they got the idea?
Did Mitt Romney learn from GWB, in 2004 with his Debolt voting machines, rigged to favor "W"?
Ever heard the old cliché "If it walks like a duck?"
Who is willing to search for the truth when you would rather believe the lies?
— Shyron Shenko 11/13/16Did it matter to you that Romney would have to cheat to win?
According to 'Truth Out:' Votes are crucial this year, more than ever, this year, especially in Ohio, without which no Republican candidate has ever won the White House.
In 2004, in the dead of election night, an electronic swing of more than 300,000 votes switched Ohio from the John Kerry column to George W. Bush, giving him a second term. A virtual statistical impossibility, the 6-plus% shift occurred between 12:20 and 2am election night as votes were being tallied by a GOP-controlled information technology firm on servers in a basement in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In defiance of a federal injunction, 56 of Ohio's 88 counties destroyed all election records, making a recount impossible.
Ohio's governor and secretary of state in 2004 were both Republicans, as are the governors and secretaries of state in nine key swing states this year. (Truth Out)
Coincidence? Or did the Romney family purchase the e-voting machine company as insurance. Is this why Mr. Romney is so sure he will win Ohio?
Corruption: Bain-controlled company owns the 2012 voting machines!
Today, I came across one of Doe Royal, my Editor's columns
Never have these words rang truer, even though they were written by a Republican!
Have we been too busy', too tired', too unconcerned to stand up for those inalienable rights which were secured for us so long ago at such great cost? Shame on us we must take part in the government of this country if we expect to preserve those wonderful gifts which we have for so long taken for granted.
— Doe Royal, Editor of The FlowerPlex PipeLine Newspaper"Update" Are these the Machines that are being used in the mid term elections?
- Does the Romney Family Now Own Your e-Vote?
Do you feel that mainstream media spin is obscuring the truth during this election season? Truthout doesn’t take advertising or corporate sponsorships...
Ask for a paper ballot!
According to Business Insider:
Tagg Romney and Spencer Zwich (Mr. Romney's campaign finance director started a private-equity firm called Solamere According to Business Insider.
" Solamere is a so-called "fund of funds," which means that it does not invest in companies directly. Instead, funds-of-funds invest in funds invested by "partners," which are other private-equity firms. These other firms them make investments in companies.
$10 million of "seed Capital" was provided by Mitt Romney to Solamere, and other investors include Romney's brother G. Scott Romney. (The Free Press)
Employees of Solamere include: (The Free Press)
And, Mr. Romney's connections:
· Spencer Zwick, campaign finance director.
· Richard Morley, finance director
· Kaitlin O'Reilly, western regional finance coordinator
· Marc J. Leder, who hosted the PRIVATE $50 thousand dollar a plate fund raising event, where the infamous secret video-tape where 47% remark was made by Mr. Romney. Mr. Leder runs Sun Capital, one of Solamere's "partners" (private-equity firms whose funds it invests in)
· H.I.G. Private Equity firm directors include three close associates of the Romneys. John P. Bolduk, and Douglas Berman Hold major fundraisers for Mr. Romney. And, Brian Shortsleeve, H.I.G.'s manager. Former employees of Bain Capital. (The Free Press)
· H.I.G., Solamere's "Partner," in 2011 invested in the third-largest manufacturer voting machines in the country. The company Hart Intercivic, manufacturer of the machines that will be used in counties for the following states Ohio, Washington, Texas, and Oklahoma.
Smell anything yet?
If your state has it, ask for a paper ballot, the chance are it will get counted for the person you voted for!
And for the sake of OUR COUNTRY, Go Vote!!!!
“A constitution of government, once changed from freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever” ~ John Adams
© 2012 Shyron E Shenko