Donald Trump Public Agenda to Slavery
Equality and Human Rights
All citizens are to be valued equally according to our democracy (Principles of Democracy, 2019). If this is the case, why is discrimination still allowed? When the founders created the constitution, they did not include women, blacks and other minorities, and members of the LBGT community. Even when slavery was abolished, discrimination continued to hunt our country. The hatred of some against people of different cultures, religions and sexual preferences. Through principles of democracy, citizens have rights and if these rights are not provided then consequences can follow.
Equality and Human Rights is a principle where all people are equal and have equal rights to opportunities (Principles of Democracy, 2019). Today, it is sad to witness the racism from our command in chief, it is also amazing how this influence people to discriminate against other citizens because of differences. This principle allows for people of difference color, religion, beliefs etc. to take a stand (Rights, 2019). Through protest, citizens have been able to use freedom of speech in hopes to influence discrimination to stop. In my opinion, people have the rights to their own beliefs even if they are on the opposing side. Preventing people acting out with violence needs to be addressed. Being a black woman, I have personally witness discrimination but if they did not harm me, their opinion is their right.
The Bill of Rights was established for citizens rights and freedom. Discrimination goes against this principle, but it helps in protection of the people (Principles of Democracy, 2019). When Trump took office, he placed a Muslim ban which prevented them for coming to the USA. This affected citizen of this culture as well, which led to people showing more hatred towards others.
Citizens in our democracy are to be treated equally no matter what. Discrimination has been a public agenda for many years, sadly it will continue if the government does not enforce these laws.
ReferencesPrinciples of Democracy. (2019). Retrieved from Governance and Democracy :
Rights, U. N. (2019). Panel discussion on the incompatibility between democracy and racism. Retrieved from United Nations Human Rights :