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Democratic & Republican Parties Defined - TOP Political Issues PT1 - Taxes - Energy - Immigration - Gun Control

Updated on December 26, 2019
Photo Courtesy of laverrue
Photo Courtesy of laverrue

As Americans one of our most invaluable and protected Constitutional Rights is the irrevocable and unchallenged right to vote. We've endured and overcome many moral and legal tests throughout our history to ultimately preserve and win this right for all citizens. As of this day, all Americans who wish to exercise their right and partake in the voting process may do so. I think everyone, either expressed or implied participates in the electoral process and may even influence certain outcomes without even realizing it. Even though some of us do not officially campaign for a particular candidate by answering telephones or canvassing neighborhoods, we always talk and interact with friends and acquaintances on a daily basis. Sure most of the time it's small talk about the latest prime time hit show, or your latest greatest tiramisu recipe, but we also talk about that last presidential speech, or the televised advertisement endorsing the gubernatorial candidate, or any number of topics that usually have political implications. As a result of such interaction you never know, it's possible that you're actually influencing that persons vote without even realizing it. Something to think about next time your just "chatting" with someone.

The information and data contained in the following guide was compiled by yours truly, all resources were explored, Internet, Print & Television Media etc. The following observations and major political party voting and platform trends is the end result of my personal research and study on this subject. The issues and respective positions or views listed are all documented and can be verified on your own if you have doubts or questions regarding any one or all of the findings.

The following top 4 issues and related results represent the "CORE" constituents or "MAINSTREAM" if you will, the majority of registered voters within each party. This does not take into consideration nor does it reflect the opinions or beliefs of the "extreme" or "fringe" elements on either side of the isle.

Photo Courtesy of stephen.moore
Photo Courtesy of stephen.moore


Democratic View - Generally speaking, the Democratic position regarding taxes or tariffs is a very basic concept. The majority of elected officials believe the local, state, and or federal governments need to collect a consistent stream of revenue to provide and sustain certain entitlement programs, infrastructure, education, law enforcement and to a lesser degree scientific research such as stem cell experimentation and manipulation in an effort to hopefully someday in the near future develop pharmaceutical breakthroughs and or potential cures.

They believe for instance, that the most popular and certainly one of the most expensive entitlements, social security, is a vital supplemental income program which should remain essentially intact with some flexibility in regard to potential minor enhancements or amendments to ensure it remains a viable and beneficial part of a persons future retirement income. Depending on which economist you talk to, and there are certainly no shortage of experts in this field, the solvency may or may not be in question and this is an issue they are willing to address. The Democrats feel this supplemental retirement income program after several decades on the books, is now irreversible, integrated to the point of being a crucial aspect of retirement planning and an essential element to secure a stable future for all senior citizens.

In essence, the Democratic Party believes in spending money to ensure all of the above and more, exist now and many years into the future.

Regarding tax cuts in general? The Democrats believe if and when a tax cut is economically feasible and warranted, the breaks should go to the Upper Middle, Middle, & Lower income Americans and their families.

Photo Courtesy of stephen.moore
Photo Courtesy of stephen.moore

Republican View - Generally speaking, Republicans favor reform, which in essence means change or elimination of a program in it's entirety or in part. If a particular governmental agency program or essential infrastructure project is lacking in required funds they are more apt to strike it down rather than to try to explore different avenues to generate the needed revenue in an effort to either save or complete a given project or program. Right now, Republican's favor minor or in some instances major reform or change to the social security system. Some have even gone to the extreme, advocating of elimination of this entitlement completely and replacing it with a private savings vehicle similar to an IRA or 401K, a plan in which every individual would need to research, implement, and manage on their own or with the assistance of a professional advisor.

Regarding tax cuts in general? The Republicans typically lean toward a reduction in taxes for the upper income earners and corporations. Their rationale for this preference is the phrase " Trickle Down Economics". Defined in layman's terms, Republican's believe if the corporate tax rate is reduced the savings will be used to expand the company and potentially hire additional employees hence a spike in economic stimulus via job creation. It's simplistic in theory however extremely difficult to prove or disprove the benefits or adverse effects of corporate tax rate reductions months or years after implementation.

Photo Courtesy of Rodrigo_Soldon
Photo Courtesy of Rodrigo_Soldon


Republican View - Considering a significant portion of the Republican base of voters are in the fossil fuel business, oil, coal etc. a logical conclusion would be to assume a significant treasure chest of campaign contributions usually come from these industries. Furthermore, many Republican's personally have either worked for or have current substantial investments in this type of energy product hence a systematic and or accelerated ramping up of alternative energy production might threaten them financially in a personal way.

There are fossil fuel investors on the other side of the isle as well, however I think it's been well documented that the Republican Party is more deeply rooted in this type of energy production. Realistically speaking, some fossil fuel jobs may be threatened as we inevitably convert over to solar & wind, however investment dollars in the form of subsidies set aside for training current fossil fuel employees in the green energy field would go a long way to ease their concerns. Generally speaking the Republican Party prefers what they consider to be a more efficient energy investment avenue such as nuclear and or "clean coal technology".

Photo Courtesy of aa7ae
Photo Courtesy of aa7ae

Democratic View - No doubt about this one, even though President Obama has recently expressed some flexibility in relation to the possibility of additional nuclear facilities and production sometime in the future, the vast majority within the Democratic Party are overwhelmingly in favor of ramping up what they consider to be the safer, environmentally friendly, and more prudent alternative, "Green Energy Technology and Production".

The Obama administration has included as part of the stimulus package which was passed in both houses of congress and supported by both sides of the isle, billions in subsidies to help solar & wind companies finance their clean technology ventures. The infrastrucute upgrades for conversion to solar and wind are certainly a challenge but it's without a doubt something that can and will be over come, not out of desire but of necessity. Generally speaking the Democratic Party prefers ramping up alternative energy such as wind & solar production as their main thrust.

Photo Coutersy of stephen.moore
Photo Coutersy of stephen.moore


Democratic View - In general, there is concern for the illegal migration of undocumented workers however the remedy or solution on how to reduce or even completely stop the steady stream leans more toward the compassionate side. They do favor certain militarized forms of protection such as the use of National Guard personnel or even the continuation of a Southern Border Fence, but these potential solutions will only help to possibly mitigate future illegal immigration. How do we address the situation that exist right now here in the U.S.?

At present, an estimated 10 million undocumented persons currently call this country home. here's where the two parties part company so to speak. "A Path to Citizenship" for hard working undocumented aliens who meet certain criteria? Is this a fair and reasonable solution for the 10 million who have been living here for a pre determined number of years and have not broken the law and have contributed to society in a productive and meaningful way? In general the democratic Party has outlined a flexible plan to help illegals who meet certain criteria assimilate into society. The plan calls for any and all illegals to pay a fine, apply for an ID card, be added to the tax roll, and finally, go to the back of the line and apply for legal citizenship. Once again this is a very preliminary outline of the plan which has been floated to the media for the past year or two.

Photo Courtesy of stephen.moore
Photo Courtesy of stephen.moore

Republican View - Generally speaking the GOP is more stringent and takes a hard line stance on immigration both legal and illegal. With regard to Illegal immigration, the Republicans are pretty straight forward and unambiguous. One core stance is strict enforcement of existing laws, prosecuting and fining employers who hire illegals.

In essence their potential solution includes thorough investigation by the employer and deportation of any and all illegals discovered, regardless of the fact that an undocumented worker may have been living in the U.S. for many years as a law abiding and productive member of society. In essence round them up and deport them if undocumented regardless of individual circumstances which may or may not support a more lenient outcome. Republican's are also proponents of a militarized border, Armed Forces, National Guard etc. to stem the steady stream of illegals.

Photo Coutersy of longhorndave
Photo Coutersy of longhorndave


Republican View - Republicans usually wave a copy of the 4th amendment around like it's a current edition of "Buy a Bazooka Weekly". I say this as a matter of fact not in a chastising or sarcastic way. We all know if they had an unimpeded, uninfringed upon avenue from which to draft and implement legislation they would legalize just about every type of firearm imaginable short of a this massively destructive weapon, and from listening to some of the rhetoric on the floors of congress, you might have to include a bazooka or even a sherman tank to the list of possibilities for individual ownership.

That being said, back to a more realistic perspective. Generally, Republicans favor a very liberal licensing and firearm policy, and an even more liberal view on what type of firearm can be owned by an individual. They favor current constitutional interpretation which legalizes the right for all individuals to possess firearms, including hunting rifles & hand guns etc. But they go even further to try and stretch the constitutional limits including automatic and semi automatic weapons. It's an extreme position which seems to veer way off the track of owning a firearm for protection purposes. The NRA ( National Rifle Association) is a substantial contributor and supporter of the Republican Party and there's no secret about this fact.

Photo Courtesy of idol
Photo Courtesy of idol

Democratic View - The right to bear arms is and probably always will be a "hot button" issue for everyone who is politically involved, and although I am the consummate optimist, I understand the odds of common ground emerging from deeply entrenched positions in a good faith effort to please both sides of the isle, or even realizing actual consensus between the parties on this issue are about as unfavorable as a successful attempt at terraforming Mars, It's definitely achievable, but at what cost and how far into the distant future can or will it be accomplished? Democrats for the most part are either unwaveringly opposed to "individuals" owning firearms of any kind, or support the concept to a common sense degree. For instance, hunting rifles for sport and competition, or a handgun safely stored in an appropriate place within the confines of the home for personal protection as a deterrent, is usually a reasonable compromise proposed by Progressives. Even though there does not appear to be stipulations and or conditions expressed or implied within the United States Constitution, automatic and or semi automatic assault riffles, and similar weapons which are traditionally reserved for use by armed forces, or law enforcement officers would probably not be an acceptable compromise for Democrats. Common sense usually prevails when progressives are at the negotiating table.

In closing, even with all the accusations and allegations of voter fraud and other legal infractions which have become common place before, during, and after elections, I believe we are all very fortunate to live in a country where for the most part this constitutional right is protected and unimpeded..

So no matter what side of the isle you prefer, Left, Right, Middle, or none of the above, stay abreast of the issues and exercise this right every chance you get. Or better yet, if you have access to available resources, either your own or via sponsorship, organize an exploratory committee, install some additional phone lines, grab a megaphone & platform speech and seriously entertain the possibility of launching your own political campaign - RUN FOR OFFICE! -

Or at least get involved and participate to maximum capability. Take the time to expend the energy in a concerted effort to fight for your cause which could in the end, mean the difference between allowing the continued corporate domination of your everyday life, and electing representatives who are certainly not perfect, but will enact legislation to limit Republican intrusion. If you are interested in protecting enhancements to basic fundamentals such as your personal and family health care, student loan access, and retirement entitlements such as vitally important social security and medicare benefits, getting involved with a vote for representatives who will support your ideas is the first critical step toward achieving this goal -

Photo Courtesy of alancleaver_2000
Photo Courtesy of alancleaver_2000

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