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Democrats Aren't Real Strong In Math Skills

Updated on July 19, 2013

Now In Case You Haven't Heard...

Two things came to mind this past week concerning the lack of math skills combined with hysterical rhetoric by two Democratic elected officials. The first one to take a seat in the dunk tank is Maine Waters. Now Maxine isn't known to be particularly bright and her math skills seem akin to Pelosi's. Both women are from the state of California where math skills aren't known to be a focus either, at least in government circles.

What is especially frightening about Maxine's brain cramps is that if the Democrats happen to take back the House, God forbid, she would become the Chair of the House Finance Committee. That's the think tank that deals with banking, real estate, securities and those associated issues and it seems to me that a thorough knowledge of math should be high up there when picking people for that committee assignment. In her case it appears because her husband is in the banking industry but that's another story all together.

Seems the Dems like Maxine can conjure up some real doozies when doing math to scare the dickens out of other mental doorknob types in this country. Some of you still don't know what I'm talking about so I'll give it to you gently. According to Maxine, just last week, the big, bad Scarequester was going to cause 170 million workers in America to lose their jobs. Goodness I hope not because the present work force only consists of 134 million workers. Do the math!

Before I move onto Obama and Scarequester let me drop another math deficiency tidbit on you. Remember the math smoke and mirrors concerning Obamacare? Some of you bit hard didn't you? They used the word "Affordable" and you thought, "Oh Yeah!!!" Then when the real numbers came out it became Obamascare. What it is really going to cost should scare the hell out of any thinking American. The operable word there is "thinking."

The unintended consequences of such backward thinking so far have resulted in workers losing their jobs or having their hours cut, taxes were raised and insurance rates have skyrocketed. Axe that "affordable" iffin ya please. Is there any doubt when the payroll taxes went back up again where some of that Obamacare money was coming from?

We're in a recovery according to Obama and during the month of January alone household incomes declined by 3.6%. That's a 20 year high. Disposable income, the after tax pittance, dropped by 4%. That was last seen in 1959. But Obama math has us in a recovery?

Last week Obama was intent of scaring more American door knobs for brains with hysterical talk about how this nation was going to shut down if the Scarequester kicked in, he didn't get more tax hikes that he wanted again and the sky was going to fall. The truth of the actual math is the cuts amount to $44 billion from the present spending projected for this year. That's a paper cut so grab a band aid not a tourniquet. What that means is that the Clown Circus we call our federal government will only be able to spend $15 billion more this year than it did last year. Get the picture now? It's all about fuzzy math. Or seen another way, only a mere 30% more than it spent in 2007. Yes, I said 2007.

The bad part of the Scarequester, which the House tried with two bills to avert, is the cuts in military spending. Currently we have despots all around the world rattling sabers at us and the Dems want to cut military spending further while at the same time expanding welfare programs out the yazoo. The US Constitutions says the primary role of the federal government is to provide for the defense of this nation, not wreck it. The Senate, as usual on both occasions, did not a thing with either bill.

But Obama wasn't to be outdone because he is all about drama and political theater. We saw illegal aliens released even prior to it kicking in. He went so far as threatening the lack of vaccinations for children and shutting down airport security. Why? Because he wanted to scare Republicans into letting him raise revenue (we call it taxes) to avert the Scarequester. He just raised them on January 1st so what does that tell you?

So rather than rein in those explosive government welfare programs he is intent on expanding he wants to shut down essential services Americans rely on? Really? Why? I have this theory as do others. For some reason Obama wants to punish Republicans at the expense of ordinary tax paying Americans. The hand writing is all over the wall.

Understand that I served this nation for 23 years and what I see being done to the military makes Bill Clinton's moves look like choir boy material. The cuts in spending are needed and more are needed to right the fiscal ship of state. As the fight continues for more spending cuts we need to be vigilant. If not, the Democratic Party under the stewardship of Obama will decimate the US military. You are seeing it when the armed forces receives 20% of the overall budget and absorbs 50% of the cuts. Something is strangely wrong with that picture.

Here's something to consider. We can blame all of these math deficiencies on the Head Start Program. Why do I say that? That program has been going on for 47 years now. Darn it seems like only yesterday. 47 years gives one a good base to study though. In one recent study it found that Head Starters are too often behind other students in math skills. It also found that its graduates had a lower rate of promotion. So there ya go...

This administration is taking on fairy tale qualities. Depending on what is going on you can choose between Pinocchio, The Boy Who Cried Wolf or Chicken Little. Maybe you, the reader, can add to the list of tales.

"Like"It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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