Disgusting Extremism
Lets me preface this by saying that I was an integral part of the Department of Defense, in particular the United States Army, for a period of twenty three years. I was an extremist then regarding adherence to the US Constitution and I am one to this day. It's an oath I took many times during the course of that career and am still right there on that spot. Until the US Constitution is officially changed then keep your cotton picking hands off of it. It tells us all "how" right there in black and white to make any changes. It says nothing at all about ignoring it.
The rumblings grow louder and louder from the left, and their puppets, that being a conservative is a bad thing. That we're possible terrorists. It is even said, among that crowd, that our Founders were right wing extremists because they rebelled against the tyranny of King George III. They were the liberals of the time you blooming idiots. This babble began in 2009, shortly after Obama took office and a complete imbecile named Janet Napolitano was appointed as Homeland Security Secretary took office then and I take greater offense as it continues. You can read that report here at this link.
Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence and Recruitment
This rubbish filled report has some outrageous contentions in it such as any individual who believes in the constitution, liberty or the Bible is a suspect of being a potential terrorists. When I first read it I hit the roof when it identified veterans as posing a threat. We're the same one who fought over the years to allow left wing babble heads the ability to continue to babble. Oh and gun owners are evil, mean potential terrorist suspects and right wing radicals of the worst sort. Some of this stuff should scare the daylights out of any liberty loving American that our federal government is perpetrating such nonsense and passing it off as factual.
I'm an old school Constitutionalist. I still believe in it. When I was in the military what we taught was how to defend it, not disparage people who do. Standing up to such nonsense isn't extremism. It shows a lack of cowardice about what it takes to make this nation work. Our service people shouldn't be indoctrinated about conservative ideas being extreme. That isn't what they need to know. To label our founding fathers as extremists is over the cliff. That is what certain Department of Defense curriculum is teaching our young service people. It smacks of social engineering that our federal government needs to avoid. It even goes further that "conservative groups" are "hate groups." What the hell has our armed forces come to since Bill Clinton instituted his version of political correctness? Here's part of what service members are being taught: “Nowadays, instead of dressing in sheets or publicly espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights and how to make the world a better place.” Isn't that logical, sensible, educated talk backed by fact? Of course it is. Our service people are charged with defending those very concepts when they take their oath of office. So it's bad? Equating it to wearing sheets? That's extremism in action within the DOD. Lets take the next step forward in the discovery process of where this type of propaganda originated. Ever heard of the left wing organization by the name of the Southern Poverty Law Center? Their habit is to label conservative Christian organizations like the Family Research Council as “hate groups.” That was one source. They are about discredited as it comes. How would anyone, especially DOD thinkers, rely on them as a source of anything close to rational thinking?
Care to delve deeper my liberal readers? In April an email surfaced written by a light colonel at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, It went out to three dozen of "the bosses" subordinates about alerting on soldiers who "might be" members of "domestic hate groups," in particular like the FRC and the American Family Association. Look folks, I can't make stuff up like this. It's factual. Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Big Brother is getting way too close to reality in my opinion.
The materials in question were FOIA requests and were ultimately obtained from the Air Force. But the other services are complicit. I was an Army guy so I have an issue or two myself. Here's the rub while all this was being discovered. The US Army denied attacking Christians or any other religious belief. Not so. An Army spokesperson said at the time, "the idea that the Army is taking an anti-religion or anti-Christian stance is contrary to any of our policies, doctrines and regulations.”
But the facts are that an Army trainer listed "Evangelical Christianity and Catholicism" as examples of religious extremism – along with Al Qaeda and Hamas. Coincidentally that very same spokesperson then said the it was an “isolated incident not condoned by the Department of the Army.” So which was it?
Here's what I don't understand in any of this having been part of the machine for as long as I was in it. Why is the military leadership sending any signal about anyone's religious beliefs or stances? Until Clinton that never happened - NEVER. Now under Obama it seems to be running rampant? I do have a theory and it is part of the reason I decided to retire. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS has no business in the military structure of this nation. The business is protecting and defending the United States Constitution again all enemies, foreign or domestic, so help me God.
That's a fact.
Let me point something out to those who have not bothered to study twentieth century world history. Over the course of 100 years 170,000,000 people were exterminated by Armies loyal to their governments (read: nations) who opposed the direction those same nations were taking, If that was too many zeros for you that is 170 MILLION people. Don't think it can't happen because it has. It has been pointed out that that total of dead people in just one century is more than all of the other wars during recorded history combined.
Bother to read the US Constitution and understand why the founders of this nation set up the separation of powers and designed a limited federal government accountable to "We, the People." There is nothing outdated about repelling evil. It is beyond me why so many of my fellow citizens just follow along like sheep willing to sacrifice their liberty and the very powers that very liberty gives them over tyranny.
If standing up for freedom and liberty makes me an extremist then I'll wear that label proudly, just as proudly as I did wearing a uniform and defending yours. People around me sometimes warn me of "the black helicopter coming to get me" if I don't stop talking and writing about the US Constitution, liberty and the tyranny I am seeing exercised throughout the bloated federal government by the professional thieves we now have cultivated and call politicians. The days of public service seem long gone.
The founding fathers structured this nation so that you should never fear an oppressive, tyrannical government again. Political correctness be damned. We all need to speak our minds about the course this nation has been set upon by people we thought we could trust to do the will of the people. Something to think about my fellow Americans.
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As always,
The Frog Prince