Look What They Have Done To Our World Ma, Look What Have They Done
The Title of a Song - Dont kill the World
Trite, sentimental drivel, but in reality so very bloody true. I read a hub today that really moved me.
Baited-Birds? This Hub is by Ajcor, give it a read - if you care!
I felt all the anger and frustration of the years and eons of destruction and rape of all of our resources. That have been slowly and meticulously pillaged by all of our Governments, Private Corporations, as well as State owned and controlled suppliers of electricity and our other utilities, this is not only over herebut applies to every single nation on this planet.
In the comments on her Hub this is what I penned.
Man is to blame,
Legislation is to blame!
That great god Dollar
Legitimate handling of Eco disasters
Lines their coffers
offers sobs
issues clouded
fresher headlines
and cover the
Avian skeletons
that cover over
oil soaked penguins.
Mans needs
Dollar greed grow
disasters continue.
Man's shame!
Beaches Polluted Aw Shucks!
Damn! What a shame will have to give surfing up in some areas this Spring Break, what a drag.
This would be the take on the majority of the earth's population.
They do not see this as the tip of an Iceberg.
What is the real effect of these and other spills and potential Eco disasters that are going to happen more and more frequently as the measures in place to stop prevent and control these from happening have not in the past nor will in the future prevent these from happening.
The fines are imposed and lines some coffers of some department or other, what happens to those fines?
The down side of imposing fines, is that, we then all end up paying for those fines! Do you really think that the share holders, backers and other investores will incur any loss in return for there investment, I think not, however I also do not believe in the tooth fairy any longer.
So in the long run you pay!
Watch This Following Video
Beware this following video speaks for itself.
As a photographer myself, i have always agreed with that axiom of 'A Picture Paints a Thousand Words' This video is the complete and unabridged works of Shakespeare in my very humbled opinion.
The photographs may shock or bring a tear to the eye, the music haunting.
But will it help?
Will we be able to make any changes?
It all begins with You!
Look What they are Doing!
So What Can We Do
We can hit them were it hurts the most, in there pockets, attack that bottom line, reduce their profit margins.
Yes we attack them by withholding our buying powers.
We exercise that constitutional right, we refuse to buy that brand of petrol, or any of its subsidiaries products and by products.
We can even take it further and also boycott of any other product that is carried by that owners of that tanker liners.
We refuse to travel on any of the tanker lines owners, other ships, planes or rail.
Extreme, yes maybe, as a lot of smaller people will be hurt in the process but how else do you stop the Dollars strangle hold.
If you take a look at the process, we have transport fleets that have to travel this vast planet, carrying produce from point to point. These machines need maintenance, but if we do a quick check and clean up it ill look as if well maintained. However these shoddy "Preventative Measures" for the sake of quicker turnaround are applied.
When a disater occours, which it will eventually, we have loss of life, human as well as environmental.
That is criminal, but a slap on the wrist, logged as operator error, pay the fine and carry on regardless.
What if, this is now the ramblings of a retired Safety and Security Officers fevered mind.
An accident occurs and there is a loss of life, limb, or an ecological impact. Then the following should apply.
All trading ceases, all vehicles return to their last drop off or pick up point, and are grounded until each and every vehicle is certified by a competent authority that they meet the required safety standards as applicable.
There we have our politicians who need to have that bill implemented.
Petition each and every Department and Governmental Committee and sub committees to get some sort of statute passed.
A Post Script
This minor attrocity is no less than what big business is doing.
Pollution effects in our daily lives!
The impact of smoking on others really hit me just recently.
We had to look after a ring neck for a fellow worker who was going on a business trip. Well the poor Bird was a drab dull grey cammo green, who shuffled around on its perch. Well as I always take my Goompy, also a ring neck, for a shower under the garden sprinklers, I took the house guest as well.
Some fiveteen minutes later, and sitting in the sun preening itself for what must have been a first for it as well, was a different bird all together, the true ring neck came shining through.
Well after a month of the little bird having almost daily showers. The owner of the bird was back from the business trips and when confronted with her bird she could not recognise it, the change being that noticeable.
The sad fact is that she and her family smoke so the poor feathered beastie will undoubtably end up drab and grey green again, with a shortened life expectancy.
A report to the local animal-anti-cruelty will reach the shelters desk very shortly!