Survival ?; Solar Storms or ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE (EMP)
Are You Ready for this One; AN ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE?
What would happen if an Electromagnetic Pulse from the sun or from a nuclear bomb took down the electrical grid. Could you survive and if so, how long?
This question is becoming more and more talked about on the web and many other portals of the intelligence community. The possibility of an Electromagnetic Pulse happening either from a terrorist bomb or from the solar flares are increasing in odds of happening. More and more countries are developing these types of weapons for the sole purpose of overwhelming their enemy by knocking out their electrical components. Also the sun is in the period of maximum sun flare activity. During these solar disturbances, gigantic flumes of electrically charged energy is shot up from the sun. These bursts of energy can reach the earth as forms of radiation or charged particles that can disrupt our electrical grid, fry our transistors and disable our satellites and even immobilize our transportation and communication systems.
Going back to the original question of can you survive the EMP repercussion, now that it has been explained, think differently? Some people might say that they would have no problem living without electricity, electrically powered communication devices and modes of transportation requiring electricity to maneuver. However, some of you might think otherwise. The ones thinking outside the box might start thinking of different scenarios about being without electricity. They would further contemplate having no fire, police or government protection, gang take-overs, no air conditioning, no heat, no clean sanitary water to drink, and limited food.
Could you survive without electricity, is the question that is pondered again. In the big city, where there is a rule of the corporate giants, that control the stores and food, that dictates the saying, "Just In Time". This regulation was instituted back in the 1980s when stores were part of the warehouses. The people running the stores saw great opportunity to use the storage area that were used previously as the warehouse area, as shopping space. The technology grew where the personnel at the store could order each day what was needed for the sales floor and did not have to warehouse it in the store. This seems like a very efficient and productive way of operating a store
Problems arose when there was a shortage, storm, mishap, miscalculation, misorder, production problem or farming issue. It comes down to having only 3 days supply of food and necessities in a city at a given time. The merchandise and items have to be replenished continually and on a daily basis by truck or rail.
The water for all large cities have to be treated before it is used and almost all cities have to use electrical pumps to propel the water to the consumer. The sewage works in most of the cites by gravity having the waste flow downhill to the sewage treatment plant. At the sewage treatment plant, electricity is used to churn the waste-water with activated sludge for the beneficial bacteria to devour the waste. Without the use of electricity in the sewage plant, raw, untreated excrement with bacteria flows directly into the streams and rivers, creating hazards for the inhabitants downstream.
If the electricity goes out, the need for heat, fuel, food, and transportation gets greater each day and the chances of survival go down, while in a large city. In the very cold climates and the large cities, the chances of survival depend on what you do, your survival skills and how much you have stored. When the supplies run low in the city or large town, people will begin to panick and their survival instincts will kick in. When in the survival mode, what could a person do to survive, that they normally would not do. To die or not to die, to eat things that normally would not be eaten or to carry out operations that would be against the moral fiber, would be choices people start to make.
With the growing possibility of a partial or total electrical grid collapse, could you survive? Even if you live in the remote outback, there would be thousands of starving people that would be looking for the same food, the same heat, and same necessities that you would be looking for. For those people who have large ranches with cattle, there would be thousands of people that would love to prolong their life with one of your cows and be willing to kill to survive. I would have to say, that living in the city would be much worse than those living in the remote regions because of the large population and the shortages of crucial items needed to survive.
In conclusion, if anything like this would ever take place, we would all be in a very difficult situation. Our world would be thrown back hundreds of years and trying to replace the essential elements and components would take years. Our lives would change and in come cases, would be drastically cut short. This scenario of collapsed electricity grids could happen and the very large cities could pose some very dramatic situations for the population of those cities. Could anything like this happen? The answer is a definite yes. Think about it.