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Romney , The GOP And A Failed Strategy .

Updated on March 21, 2015

At the end of the day,logic prevailed.

There are many reasons why Romney and the GOP lost the 2012 election.Some are recent mistakes by the party and its candidate ,some were forged in the republican primaries , some date back to the Obama Inauguration,or as the emperor Limbaugh likes to call it Obama's Immaculation,and some of the reasons can be attributed to the" FANTASTIC FOUR" Limbaugh,Hannity,Luntz,and Morris.There are also reasons why Obama and the democrats Won the election .His handling of the superstorm Sandy october surprise,The Chris Christie effect,His successful Jigsaw puzzle strategy from early on in the campaign.Keeping Axelrod as his main man,who now has proven to be the Democratic Rove , and most importantly reaching out , asking for and getting the help of THE BIG DOG,Bill Clinton,who is undoubtedly the dirtiest player in the game,the greatest politician alive, and the most loved on the planet.

President Obama achieved an almost impossible victory.Romney and the GOP lost an election they should have easily won.

The Obama team did almost everything right in order to win an election that according to most experts was going to go the republican way unless the republicans blew it, and that ....they did,they blew it big time.Let's take a look at the world in which these elections took place;The unemployment rate has been over 8 percent for years now,the economic growth has been sluggish at best,the real estate market has only very recently hit bottom and started to inch up timidly,our credit rating as a country was down graded for the first time in history,the deficit ,no matter how you slice it is unsustainable,in other words the macro economic state of the country has been for a long period of time anemic.What the Obama team did was an example of how campaigns should be run and will go down in history as one of the greatest political campaigns in the history of US elections.First of all it took not only intelligence and planning but years of hard work.Actually the Obama team never stopped campaigning since the victory in 2008. They developed a Jigsaw puzzle strategy and pursued it all the way to the end.They also relied on stability ,stay the course,and standing by a set of core principles that were for better or worse the backbone of the president and his campaign as well as the Democratic Party's .But if we look at it objectively this would not in normal circumstances enough to win him reelection according to the political and economic factors we mentioned the country was in,so just as important as what the Obama team did right was all the republicans and Mitt Romney did wrong.

The weakest field of candidates in decades.

The republican field of candidates was the weakest it has been in decades,with candidates that not only were extremely right wingers for the most part but forced candidates that may have been acceptable and electable in a national election to move so far to the right that the whole party became seen as a party of extremists rather than a viable alternative to the governing party.The exception to this was Jon Huntsman ,who due to the internal situation of the GOP being subject to the choke hold of the tea party and the right wing nut talking heads never had a real chance of becoming the nominee and his campaign never left the ground floor ,and Mitch Daniels who decided he didn't want to be put through the meat grinder by Rush Limbaugh and ended his campaign before it started.In contrast to Obama's jigsaw strategy,Mitt Romney and the GOP decided to remind vast sectors of the american population why they shouldn't vote for the republican candidate.Obvious examples of this is the now infamous Self Deportation policy he would implement in case of being elected,we, the hispanic voters knew all along that this view would drive the hispanic voters as far away as they could from such candidate and party, but Romney bought the opinion of the talking heads hook,line,and sinker ,according to their logic and their skewed and erroneous polling immigration reform was not the priority issue for the hispanic voters,and that may have been true,but what they failed to see is that as I wrote in previous hubs and told anyone who wanted to listen is that almost every hispanic voter in this country has a family member, or a close friend or they themselves as in my case have been illegal at some point in time and they know first hand the reality of being illegal in this country , and to us a policy of either put them all in a boat and ship them out or ,we'll make their life so miserable they will self deport was not a policy that would be morally acceptable to us.So it is no wonder that the hispanic vote has left the Republican party in the same way that the black vote has been doing for decades leaving the party with complete absence of minority support.


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