Empty Binder Debate #3
Obama's Empty Binder
Tonight's The Night!!!
Moving into the last of the debates I expect more posturing and prevarication from Obama. Mitt Romney should have a sharp axe with him this time to cut him off at the knees when he starts lying which is usually when his lips start moving. Right after assuming office Obama embarked what is now known as his "Apology Tour." Many Americans may have forgotten he did that. I have not.
I have never considered the actions of our nation to promote peace and stability in this world we have to live in as deserving of any apology, much less from a closet socialist like Obama. I was always one of those "strength through deterrence" military leaders throughout my 23 year military career. While I have always been a warrior I looked at my role as primarily a keeper of the peace.
I don't see the role of the President of the United States as an apologist for this nation. Nor do I appreciate it when he bows to foreign potentates and grins while shaking hands with the likes of Hugo Chavez. But birds of a feather seem to flock together. An Obama sheeple will say "he never bowed..." So watch the short video.
A Deep Bow At That
Libya and the death of four (4) Americans will be brought forward this debate once again. Obama's outright lie about his rose garden claim will become resolved in front of the audience leaving more egg on Candy Crowley's jowls. It took him two weeks to call this terrorist attack what it is - a terrorist attack. During that period this administration bitterly attacked anyone who shined the light on his fairy tale. Obama firmly believes that if no one says the word "terrorist" then they won't exist. He has hung himself with the "Osama bin Laden is dead and Al Qaeda is on the run" kaka. The first is true thanks to Seal Team 6 and the second is a figment of Obama's imagination.
It appears to me that Barack Hussein Obama is living up to his middle name and doesn't want to offend the delicate sensibilities of Islamic fundamentalists who would like nothing better than to tear your heart out of your chest. We have a US Army major in Ft. Hood, Texas this very day who this administration still classifies as "workplace violence." If you support Obama give that more than a few minutes of your precious thought. Every killer jumps up and screams "Allah Akbar" as they gun down their fellow soldiers. All those people he killed were victims of workplace violence. What kind of drugs are you on if you even think that for a skinny minute?
Or maybe the case of the Jihad in Arkansas who killed a soldier That wouldn't be a case of terrorism on US soil either? This whole administration is good at placing blame, whether it concern domestic or international/terrorism issues. The Blaminator-In-Chief is a master at it. Fours years into this whole mess and everything is still supposed to be Bush's fault. This from the guy who proclaimed that he was going to make the oceans recede, the planet heal and he was experienced enough to fix the nation's economy. Well, you see what you see.
This Is His Measure Of Success?
So tonight how about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth Obama. The continual lying and finger pointing isn't cutting the mustard with the American people. Blaming the intelligence community is nonsense. There was a drone broadcasting events in real time back to whom? If that is a fact why weren't troops scrambled in an attempt to save those poor four lost souls? Within 24 hours the White House knew that Benghazi was a planned attack and then for weeks kept up the "blame it on a silly film clip" schtick.
So after all this smoke and mirrors routine and outright deception I would hope that after tonight the nation pays attention to how Obama has also failed the nation regarding foreign relations. I keep hearing liberal parrots talking about how Obama has restored our nation's honor in the world. Have you looked around lately? Jimmie Carter probably thought the same thing.
How encouraging that Hugo Chavez, Raul Castro and Vladimir Putin have all endorsed Obama. He keeps good company huh?
We cannot afford another four years of Obama. It's nice to think that we possibly could but facts point in the other direction. Four more years of record deficits and reckless spending will result in this nation going over the fiscal cliff well before the end of those four years. Many thinkers have stated that the greatest threat to our national security is the national debt. They are tied intricately together.
Obama has a binder for the next four years of his agenda. You can see what is in it in the picture I used above. Instead of laying out his plan (he has none) for the next four years he wants to wage war on every facet of our social fiber to divide this nation even further.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "To My Past: I took your best shot and I'm still standing. To My Future: Bring It! I'm ready for you."
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As Always,
The Frog Prince