Everyone is Unique and Special
The Question is: "How can we change the current social attitude that holds an individuals' life as having no value?"
I honestly do not understand how human beings could possibly think that any living being's life could have no value. I find this line of thinking to be the epitome of human arrogance.
To make change first we have to analyse why people would think in such a way. Fist let us seriously look at the trend of the mainstream media. Money, power, cars, big, homes, sex with beautiful people for fun, gadgets. In this day and time people equate the value of a person with their tangible assets, i.e capitalist materialist way of thinking. Me, me, me, me I must have this and that because it will make ME happy. This is the dominant way of thinking in this world at them moment as far as I observe.
You really want to change the social attitude then get a new education system. Start off with teaching children that all life is valuable and should be respected. Enlighten them to the fact that there are close to 7,000,000,000 people on the planet. There are millions of species and all living creature have the right to live in peace. Share the golden rule with them "do unto others as you would have the do unto you".Teach them about Karma what you do today will find you in the future and you will have no one to blame except yourself.
Teach the children that the only was that there can be true peace in the world is if we i.e. the human race, find the strength to make the theory a shared reality. This sharing of a reality Will automatically give everyones' life value. We are the care takers of this planet, it is our home. That is the real reality.
Teach them that people who think that a person's life has no value, usually feels that way about them self deep down inside because they are a shallow weak being. These are the type of people who think that because they can afford to dress nice they are nice, that is not always true. These are the people who think that because I have these trinkets a person will like me, they are illogical, the person will like the trinket and not see them if the trinket is the focus.
Egotistical materialist society is running rampant through the world at the moment. Change can only come when the "prominent" and "influential" members of the society really want to change themselves and influence others to value all living beings. The educators, the politician, the presidents, the kings and queens, etc have to encourage the idea of truly valuing life and recognizing that all living beings are unique and special and have the right to live on this planet earth in peace.
The absolute truth is so pure food, water, air, shelter, are need by all human beings. Birth, sickness, old age and death will find every human being on this planet, that is what make us all equal. Money, power, beauty, fame, knowledge all will fade over time. We should use them to the best of our ability and create a better society.
Personally, I like to encourage people to see the est in other people and encourage them to do the best they can do to make themselves a better person as I do the same. That is how the society will change.
I hope this writing helps.