Explaining why Black Lives Matter
Black lives matter too
It has come to my attention that some people do not understand why it is that the black community is in an uproar and protesting. I am here to explain this. Many will think, well, why don't all lives matter? All lives do matter, the point of Black Lives Matter is not to say that any other life do not matter. It is a way to try and get the United States to see that in 2016, we are STILL dealing with racism. It's not to say all whites are racist, it is to say that for the most part, black lives seems to be irrelevant. There are many people on both sides of the spectrum. There are some blacks that think this movement is foolish and their are some whites that side with the black lives matter activist. Let me go into further detail. In todays world, the black community is still discriminated against. There is a lot of police brutality going around, there is a lot of racism, and overall discrimination in minor ways. For example, on The View Raven said that she would not hire someone with a "ghetto" name. That is discriminatory. She won't hire someone because of their name? Hiring someone is based off of what that person can bring to the table and the credentials they possess NOT by their name. Another problem that people like to point out is how when a white person charge at a police officer the police do not immediately shoot them, but when a black person does it they just shoot.
I understand that not everyone will comprehend why this is such a major event. You can't exactly understand something like this fully without living the lives that those people who are fighting for acknowledgement live. Either way, people should be more opened minded, people should stop and try to put themselves in another persons shoes, they should not make ignorant comments just because they don't understand the situation. People should defiantly NOT mock the black lives matter movement, that is beyond disrespectful and overall just plain ignorant.