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Flashbacks On Obama And His Stupidity

Updated on March 4, 2014

Obama's Put Up Or Shut Up Moment

The Paper Tiger Roars

The time was the 2012 campaign and Obama versus Romney. It was like an adult who has seen a lot versus a kid who hasn't. Romney was the adult and Obama was, and still is, the wet behind the ears kid. Backdrop all that with Vladimir Putin and a light weight named Obama. Barack Hussein Obama has no experience, military or otherwise, and Putin is a hardened former KGB general who remembers the collapse of the Soviet Union which has never sat well with the cold warrior of old.

The contrasts are stark. Romney has life experience, business experience and has the ability to think and reason logically. Putin has those same attributes and here we have Obama who is, as usual, clueless about the way things really work in the business world or world of geopolitics. Obama is the proverbial paper tiger.

Now we all know, or should by now, that Obama is a smart wiseacre who thinks he knows which end is up. He doesn't. So lets go back to the third debate and hear what Obama had to say about Russia and the threat. For all the little Obama sheeple grazing out there Obama was wrong then, wrong now and will remain wrong because he has a problem eating that crow he likes to dish up. So lets take a look in light of all the recent activities surrounding foreign affairs, Russia and Putin and Obama's desire to put our nation and our troops in harm's way by cutting the defense of this nation to bare bones. The last person to do that was Bill Clinton and we paid a hell of a price doing what he did to supposedly "balance a budget" which is also a myth.

Video now please.

Nobel Prize For What? Being Stupid?

I have an intense dislike for Obama because of his narcissistic personality disorder and that sick thought process of his that he "thinks" he is the smartest man on the planet when he knows very little about the way life really works. Putin sees that in Obama just like any intelligent person does. Putin sees the paper tiger that we somehow elected and kept there and he will take full advantage of Obama's bluster.

While Obama is capitulating on the world stage concerning Iran, Syria and now the Ukraine, Putin is playing Obama like Nero played the fiddle. So why would Putin think he can pull the trigger on Obama? Simple. Here's what Obama said about Putin's action in the Ukraine, "it is a clear violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and he called Russia's actions a ‘violation of international law’ and said they will lead to ‘greater political and economic isolation," Read that one more time before I pull the trigger myself.

Consider this. Obama has unilaterally and unconstitutionally changed existing law with almost no push back from Congress. He runs around acting like the school yard bully and Congress has not acted. Obama has a problem understanding and enforcing our own laws and has no business invoking obedience to international law in its simplest form.

Obama is now faced with a real life bully versus his imagined self as being one.

So the KGB fox thinks to himself, "No one in his own country is trying to stop Obama from being a dictator." Their spineless Congress there is all bluster he thinks but I'm not. There is no one willing to stop Obama from acting like a spoiled dictator so the thought process is, in Putin's mind anyway, what is to stop him from doing so on the world stage? Obama? No way and he knows it.

People, other than our own citizens, read tea leaves some times better than we do. Putin sees our top law enforcement officer tell state attorney's general to not enforce laws they disagree with. Some of the idiots in this country better wake up to what signal that sends to the world and bullies like Putin. Putin isn't stupid and he knows that even though Russia is a signatory to the 1994 Budapest Memorandums Security Assurances for the state of Ukraine he can ignore that law just as Obama and his minions can ignore our laws. He knows Obama is a paper tiger with vast amounts of bluster and no balls so he can do what he wants to do.

We may never know exactly what Putin told Obama during that 90 minute phone call this past weekend but we do know what we saw happen shortly thereafter. Putin sent his armies into the Ukraine knowing that Obama, the paper tiger, can do nothing but talk big. while at the same time telling this nation that our defense structure needs to cut back to pre-World War II levels. Of course the Cold War is over Mitt Romney. Of course Russia isn't the biggest geopolitical threat this nation is facing. Who the hell did Obama think is behind all the unrest around the world.

I'll give you one guess.

This nation hopefully will have learned a valuable lesson after electing, not once but twice, the most inexperienced, unqualified windbag to ever grace the American political scene. Let us pray that we can turn this around before the total destruction of this nation comes upon us full force from both the world and our self-centered politicians.

I'm sure that a politically savvy KGB agent like Vladimir Putin knows full well that Obama has no steel in his backbone. He knows, as many of us know, that Barrack Hussein Obama is but a flash in the pan and no Ronald Reagan.

Me? I'm wondering who Obama is going to blame this latest debacle on. Will it be George Bush or the Republicans? I've had enough of Obama myself. We need leadership and this nation has none. i was a warrior for too long and rue what I see being done to this nation.

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As Always,

The Frog Prince


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