Gun Control, Total Control Or Both?
Some Are Too Young To Remember...
The lead graphic might make an excellent billboard campaign as we are about to wage war, hopefully not literally, with the gun grabbers of this nation. I've had a couple of requests to shed my light on this issue so here ya go. So I've been reading along since Newtown and watched as the very politicians who helped create the mess this nation is in now try to disarm those who they consider a danger to their continued foolishness. That's one thing I observe.
In my past career at times I was a virtual walking arsenal so I understand which end of the gun is which and what end needs to be pointed in which direction at the appropriate times. It seems our founders also understood that simple concept and bothered to include it in the Bill of Rights as the Second Amendment. It was the second because it was put there to endure that the First Amendment stands solid against any acts of tyranny.
One Quote Among Many...
I've watched as the loons of New York passed a new "gun control" law which will be totally useless against a crazed human being intent upon wrecking havoc on the unsuspecting. The head loon himself, Andrew Cuomo. was ranting and raving about "hunting" of all things just like the Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment in the US Constitution to insure groceries on the table. Nice try Andrew but no cigar son. It was placed there so the citizens of this nation themselves can act as a militia against tyranny. That's exactly why it's there and in their writings that becomes perfectly clear. If the citizens of this nation, more of them anyway, would bother to wake up and actually read, study and understand our nation's formation and history it will serve us well.
The present Feinstein Bill is the precursor to gun confiscation. I'm not going to do your research for you but research Diane Feinstein and her earlier attempts at gun control. Keep in mind as you do that this is a long time California loony toon that the electorate out in LalaLand keeps returning along with Barbara (WaWa) Boxer. It's all there for the reading if one bothers to read.
The federal registration of firearms is a dangerous precedent and has not a thing to do with decreasing wacko gun violence.
Obama presents himself as an advocate of the Second Amendment. He isn't the least bit that in fact. He will shred that part of the US Constitution, just as he has been other parts of our nation's guiding laws, because it is inconveniently getting in the way of his executing his agenda. The Second Amendment is meant to be inconvenient to any, and all, potential tyrants.
Obama is such an ideologue, and at the present time so drunk on his own power tripping, that he just might be stupid enough to not understand that the majority of the public will not tolerate screwing around with the Second Amendment. It says exactly what it says and it has been upheld at least twice in the past five (5) years by the Supreme Court of the land. It just isn't in his administration's best interest in my opinion. He already made the statement about the people "clinging to their guns and their Bible's." That's still happening and in still the same large numbers if not larger in view of recent gun sales records.
That's my take as a warrior back when and still a warrior today. Those of us who have taken the oath understand what it says and why it says it. Obama needs to understand one thing. The Second Amendment is one of those ABSOLUTES in this nation. He might not think they exist but they do.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: "According to Gallup polls, Americans are feeling less rosy about America than they were during the Bush years. While five years ago, during President George W. Bush’s administration, Gallup reported that 55% of Americans were upbeat about the state of the nation. Now, only 39% state that they’re happy with how things are."
As Always,
The Frog Prince