Hands Off the Children!
Chiquita is at the Table
Good Morning, Breakfastpoppers. Today is Monday, April 11, 2016. Our noisy friend, Chiquita, is at the breakfast table with me this morning. She just dropped her kids off at school and was threatened with arrest! Needless to say, Chiquita is more than a little bit upset. In fact, she is wild! Please join us for breakfast, because Chiquita has a tale to tell. She is bringing spicy breakfast pizzas to the table. I will be preparing equally spicy Bloody Marys for all of us. We hope to see you soon.
I'm Not a Criminal
Thank you all for joining and supporting me this morning. I know you may think it unusual, but I have two children who I want to see educated. They attend school just like your children, but the teachers and administrators may not realize that they are part of the class. My orders to them are quite simple. Make yourself as inconspicuous as possible and buckle down and learn. The school that my children attend is in Texas. The principal sent out word to the parents that they were no longer allowed to enter the school property to pick up or drop off their children. I learned about the new rule from my kids. The Branch Elementary School requires that children be picked up by car even if they live right next to the school. There is a pick up zone and parents have to wait in line forever trying to retrieve their kids. I usually hop a ride with an understanding human, and we wait in line together. You could grow old waiting in that line. Ostensibly, this new rule was supposed to increase safety. The Principal of the school initiated this practice. If a parent steps one foot on the property, they are threatened with arrest. In this case it is the principal who has usurped the role of the parent. I am totally offended by her and her implementation of the "no foot on the property rule." This bit of insanity is just the latest example of schools usurping parental roles. At the end of the day, if a parent wants to walk their child home, they are issued a Trespass Warning. If I weren't a Cicada I would have tons of these warning plastered all over my home. A word to the schools, "stick to teaching our kids, and leave the insanity at the door."
And the Insanity Continues...
My sister, Juanita, lives in Tampa, Florida. Her children attend the Monroe Middle School. While sitting in Spanish class, they were handed a form and asked to fill it out answering the question, "How privileged are you?" I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of this movement about white privilege, bug privilege, money privilege and every other kind of "privilege" under the sun. My insect nieces were asked questions about race, sexual orientation, gender, disabilities and religion. My little niece, Barita, has ADHD. Her teacher told her it was a mental disability, and that she should fill out the form accordingly. This teacher took it upon herself to use this form in the name of diversity. I have to admit, that next to the notion of "privilege", I am getting pretty tired of "diversity", as well. A word to the schools, "stick to teaching our children, and leave the insanity at the door."
Take Back the Schools
The instances of stupidity in the schools is boundless. The bottom line is that teachers should stick to the ABC's and leave their opinions, preferences and leanings at home. Teach our kids to read, write and think. Throw in opportunity for creativity and prepare them to go out into the world and prosper. Stop trying to run the show and take over the role of parenting. Work with parents to create an environment that is collaborative and sensible. Leave sex education out of the classroom. Forget about global warming seen only from the left's perspective. Don't get into the LGBT movement. Homosexuality is something to be discussed at home, not in gym class. Just teach our kids to be the best they can be. Get them enthusiastic about learning and you will have accomplished what you are charged with doing. Stop bossing parents around, treating them like trespassers into their children's lives. And parents, please become a force to be reckoned with. Your kids need you more than ever.
Chiquita's Song
I'm Chiquita Cicada and I'm hear to say
I wish the Progressives
Would just go away!