Hate To Say I Told You So...
But I told you so none-the-less. Due to either the utter stupidity of the majority of American voters or their gullibility to believe the biggest bunch of cow patty rhetoric ever dished out by anyone I can think of in my life time, we're right up the proverbial creek without a paddle. If you weren't looking for that certain creek before you voted for the likes of a Barack Hussein Obama you found it when you did.
I haven't written in a while because I have been amazed, which is usually hard to do for with a political writer, at the absolute morass Obama has created in such a short span of his public servant life. Don't take that public servant part to heart because Barack and Moochelle are all about themselves and not the good of the country. But there is always that one straw that will break the political camel writer's block and I've reached that point.
This administration has become a complete and utter head spinner. How does one keep up with the pace of scandals, missteps and sheer lunacy of a person not fit to occupy the Oval Office from the get go?
Pile ups are rampant with this crowd. They seem to learn everything on the news and if so who the hell is in charge of this country? The latest is the Bergdahl/Taliban exchange which was another flagrant breaking of a law. Between that and the Veteran's Administration disaster, on top of the IRS boondoggle compounded by the Benghazi arms running deaths one has to wonder why Obama is still sitting there in the chair he isn't qualified to occupy.
We've elected the biggest fraud to ever grace our political presence is at the root of the problems we now face. He's a hapless, bumbling idiot without a teleprompter to tell him what to say and it shows. Our economy is in a contraction and maybe, except for a superb smoke and mirrors routine combined with a masterful manipulation of numbers, we never left a recession in the first place.
Remember the guy who was going to make the oceans recede by the sheer power of his mouth? Have you figured out yet how much hot air this guy has without lifting a cheek one? The One was going to heal the planet just by his mere presence as the President of the United States. The problem is, was and always will be he doesn't have a clue as to how to do any of what his teleprompter told him to say.
Look anyone who even believed that he made the types of statements he made about oceans and planet healing is amazing. Then they went ahead and voted for him anyway? Now how stupid is that mentality? That whole scenario was plain emotional appeal and we know from the past how historical figures have ridden that pony to doom.
It was a conundrum of the times of people tiring of Bush, the Iraq War and the collapse of the entire mortgage market pyramid Bill Clinton built back in the latter years he was in office. Yes, it takes about 10 years for a major economic policy to come full force to this economy and we saw it happen like a dump truck dumping garbage.
Along comes a snake oil salesman named Barack Hussein Obama peddling the idea that an activist federal government can heal all our ails. Never has nor will it. It compounds the problem and never has been or will be the cure.
Right out of gate we saw close to a trillion dollar stimulus package full of pork crammed down the tax payer's throats. It yielded very little except political payback. Oh I forgot. It began the explosion of the national debt we have been witnessing. Government by printing press never worked either.
The next eighteen months were spent tearing our health care system apart to give the federal power mongers control of one of the most important things (health care) to the average American worker. Obamacare has proved to be a disaster in case you've been falling asleep. So face the music. The guy you entrusted to heal the planet, you and yours has been misusing and abusing the levers of government all along to attack anyone who disputes his nonsense and has no more respect for the US Constitution than King George III would have had.
It's gone down hill since then with an enormous expansion of the federal government. The guy who was going to scrub the bureaucracy from top to bottom didn't even own a bottle brush. So where was the fly in the ointment? The federal government doesn't have the power, much less the competency, to solve the myriad of problems people think it can solve. Try solving your own problems first is the key to any success in that arena.
This is a two fold fly as ointments go. Washington DC is populated by "big government" types who are totally delusional about both that ability and secondly they think they are brilliant along the way. They are dazzled by their own brilliance while dishing out their proverbial BS. How did the IRS abuse happen? Did it have an inkling of these idiots thinking their political survival was in jeopardy?
What has our political system come to when those we elect think that the most important thing in the world is their own skin in the game and their political party's acumen in pulling the wool over the tax payer's eyes?
Ultimately the buck stops with those of us who pay taxes. We float their boat. Their answer is to tax more, spend more, print more in an effort to cover up their mismanagement and criminality in squandering our tax dollars. If they aren't getting the results they want, and lately that is usually the case, it is always somebody else's fault. Obama is famous for pointing his bony finger at others. It isn't his failed policies it is racism, this that or the other and the list gets tiresome.
If the policy is flawed then ignore it and continue to push forward regardless. Deal with those who present obstacles to perpetuating your own failures seems to be the watch word these days. Talk about "phony scandals" rather than the reality of the soup sandwich that has been created by incompetence.
So the biggest fraud ever elected has ascended and brought with him, and surrounded himself with, those who idolize the left wing ideology often at the cost of truth itself. There is a difference between being political and having the skills necessary to lead. This isn't a game we are playing with our country or is it?
Evil Or Stupid?
Now that I've got that out of my system have a great week.
Will I mind if you share these observations with your family and vast array of friends? Not at all.
As Always,
The Frog Prince