He Put Up, Now Shut Up
Bug is in the Kitchen
Good Morning, Breakfastpoppers. Today is Monday, March 25, 2019. Our friend, Bug, is in the kitchen preparing Eggs Benedict for our enjoyment. I am beside Bug mixing up a strong batch of Bloody Marys to kick off the morning meal. It's not just a meal, it's a celebration. The Mueller Report is out and the president is in. Please join Bug this morning for breakfast and a chat. Wear a party hat!
It's Over
Thanks so much for dropping by this morning. Pop and I are so happy to share this long awaited moment with all of you. The Mueller investigation has concluded. The Trump campaign did not collude with Russia, much to the dismay of all the naysayers and haters. Many Trump supporters were suspicious of the Mueller team, The group of lawyers were all Trump haters, so Trump supporters' fears were well founded. In the end, this highly partisan group came to the conclusion that President Trump did not collude with Russia and that the evidence did not justify bringing obstruction charges. That is the great news. The not so great news is that the lunatics on the left will continue to hammer home the lie that President Trump is guilty.
It's a Party
Those that support our president are relieved that the investigation has concluded. Those that hate him are in mourning yet again. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome has spiked this morning. They are circling their wagons and vowing to continue to investigate the president. The fake news contingent is in tears. MSNBC"s Joy Reid has already suggested that a cover-up of the Mueller report is underway. Rachel Maddow sprouted tears as she read the news on her teleprompter. She suggested that the long awaited report was not the end of the Russia investigation, but the beginning. MSNBC's tingly leg Matthews was enraged when he heard the news. The trouble makers in Congress are no better. Adam Schiff vows to subpoena everyone. Cummings will ask for documents and conduct investigations. Nadler is positive the president is guilty. He has the proof. What none of these so-called "servants" of the people recognize is that Americans are sick of them. Two years is a very long time to endure their unsubstantiated rantings. Two years and 25 million dollars is too long and too much to bear. They have caused this nation a great deal of harm, and they ought to be held accountable for what they have done. The left should pay for their lies. The American people have been victimized by unhinged haters who should have their collective behinds retired for all time. They are poisonous, and we need an antidote now. If there truly was justice in this world, the left wing media would collapse and the Schiff and Nadlers of this world would be booted out of Washington. In the meantime, we should turn off their broadcasts and write letters of protest to the fakers in Washington. It is time those elected to serve us start doing their jobs. They weren't sent to Washington to play Dick Tracy. Solve some of the pressing issues facing Americans or get out of town. If you won't go willingly, perhaps voters will seal your fate when the time comes.
Get To Work
From this moment on, the American people will be expecting forward movement when it comes to those they elected to office. President Trump has accomplished an impressive list of great things. He did it ll despite a Congress that worked to stop him from solving the nation's problems. There is no longer any excuse for playing "cops and robbers." Roll up your sleeves and solve our nation's border crisis. Roll up your sleeves and fix our crumbling infrastructure. Roll up your sleeves and help our veterans once and for all. Roll up your sleeves and address the growing opioid crisis in a meaningful way. Roll up your sleeves, get to work and grow up. The American people are running out of patience. If you don't get the message, you will in 2020.
Bug's Song
The bugs crawl in
The bugs crawl out
They're just like us
In many ways
They want the left
To go away!