Hear Ye! Hear Ye! I Shall Now Explain in Words Who I Am and What I Stand For: Please Be Seated and Read
Love Me or Hate Me
My life consists of a lot of reflections on my part. I don’t know if I’m the only one who does this constantly? Because I’m sure, we all have times of reflection. However, I often wonder if I’m the only one who feels the need to write out my thoughts? Am I the only person who cannot control that part of themselves that wants to share, be known, and be understood? I know I’m not, but who is brave enough to share these things. Well, I am, and I’m sorry if that offends people.
Truthfully, I’m somewhat regretful if that makes some judge me as a narcissist. Maybe, some of you think it’s inappropriate to share these things? Your afterthought could be that I should worry more about my children reading them. I can assure you that the only one who would read my specialties is my brilliant and highly skillful writer within her own right--my daughter. She is fifteen, and as she puts in opinions sometimes that I disagree with, I appreciate her thoughts on my writing. I can also assure you that she is most proud of her mom for who she is and is not thrown by my open and honest demeanor. I have raised her to speak her mind on subject matters she is passionate about and not be afraid to do so. And yes, I have also taught her that sometimes it’s better to have no opinion at all if the gossip has no interest to her.
Do You Need to Know More?
I'm explaining this after a comment I received a while back that made me think about why some people just don't get me. Honestly, I still don't get the complete me, but what I do get is that I'm learning, and I love who I have become and who I am. I love that I can be so open. I feel free when I write this way. I don't feel held down and embarrassed by my personality. I am thankful that my life journey has taught me to be myself in a way that is expressive to the world in a sense.
In this way, I want people to know me. I would like people from all over the world to know me, like me, and be my friend. I want to build bridges. I want others to want to build bridges. I want peace and unity. I have written about this before. Most of all, I think I want people to throw away egos and relax enough to be the person they see within themselves.
Wouldn't it be great if hate were thrown out of the equation of life, and opportunities to learn about other cultures and religions become a peaceful friendship with all, instead of viewed as divisions among us? We are all humans. We may not believe in the same story of God, hell; some of us may not even believe in God. Nevertheless, is that a reason to stay closed-minded? We need to be brave enough to listen to each other and strong enough to accept others' views. However, there is nothing wrong with expressing our own views either.
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This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.
© 2016 Missy Smith