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Holding America Hostage

Updated on September 28, 2013

Extortion Obama Style

Seems to me when Obama starts blaming the Republicans for holding America hostage he should be looking in the mirror. What I'm not sure of is if he will see a reflection. The devil never does. This is the same guy who will willing negotiate with terrorist regimes but won't negotiate with our own Congress. Gives one something to think about. This is the same man who has just proclaimed November as "National Muslim Appreciation Month." Think even harder you liberals who adore this fraud.

So far the Congress isn't holding this nation hostage. In fact, the House of Representatives is doing what we sent them there to do. That would be to get rid of Obamacare. Obama and the Democrats rammed that right down the majority of American's throats against our will. We didn't want it then and we don't want it now. Then we have a talking idiot like Al Gore tell us it is a duly constituted law passed by the majority. The majority of who? The majority of Americans didn't want it but we got it anyway. And it has another idiot's name attached to it.

I have no respect for Obama because he has no respect for my country nor the people in it. He's a teleprompter speech King, nothing more than a talking bauble head.

What He Probably Sees...

The request was simple and if anyone is threatening to shut down the government it is Obama and the US Senate. The bill sent to the Senate was to fund the entire government and NOT fund the disaster we now know as Obamacare. The Democrats and Obama refuse to compromise. So who is really threatening to shutdown the government. Obama is who. He's acting just like the tyrant we wee him to be.

His words were, “Some have threatened the government shutdown if they can’t shut down this law. Others have actually threatened an economic shutdown by refusing to pay America’s bills if they can’t delay the law. That’s not gonna happen as long as I’m president!”

We should have fixed that last sentence for him a long time ago and impeached him.

Then Dan Pfeiffer came up with this comparison, "What we're not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest. We're not going to do that." That seems a bit far over the cliff for a Senior Adviser to our President to be uttering. Obama is used to negotiating with and sticking up with his terrorist buddies Danny boy.

Then John McLame McCain chimed in criticizing other Republicans for working to keep campaign promises. That isn't something McCain is used to doing you see. Christie Obama Lite just did the same thing. They both need to switch parties in view of the last year and their actions. We have enough RINOs to rid ourselves of already and I am an Independent but still know who needs to get the boot.

One Of My Senators

I've already put Senator John Cornyn, my other Senator, on notice that he needs to go and probably will during the 2014 elections. I will work hard to that end myself. The fact is that the Republicans were willing to compromise and Obama and Harry Reid are not. So don't blame the Republicans as Obama is fond of doing every time one of his hair brained schemes heads south. Obamacare is not ready for prime time, not even close to being ready.

Listen real closely to Obama and his words. $7 trillion off that national debt has been on his watch and using his ideas and for the first two years his Democratic majority Congress. So he blames Congress for not paying the past bills. A huge chuck of that debt belongs to Barack Hussein Obama. He leaves that part out in his rants. I won't. He continually says he will not compromise. The Republicans were willing to. The says he will not negotiate - only with rogue terrorist regimes is what I'm seeing.

So who is extorting whom to get his way? He needs to stop acting like the tyrant he is. King George III probably should have done that also back when. Obama listen carefully. The American people don't want your stinking health care system. We never have and never will. As for you Republican RINOs you need to straighten up and now. Stop siding with Obama and licking his Democratic boots. There is a reason we have an opposition party so start opposing and having a spine instead of worrying about being reelected.

Because a pack of idiots passes an unpopular law against the will of the people doesn't mean we should accept it. To begin to do so can become quite dangerous.

So here we are today and the House sent the CR back to the Senate with several amendments. The first would delay the implementation of Obamacare for one year. Obama already unilaterally granted a one year delay to businesses. Was that lawful? It probably wasn't. The second amendment would ditch the medical device tax mandate which is driving our medical device industry overseas. That wasn't a smart provision in the first place. All we need now is more terminally unemployed citizens in our country. Continue current government spending levels through December 15, 2013 (the bill that passed the Senate changed the date to Nov. 15 - this bill changes it back to Dec. 15. Ensure the military gets paid in the event that the Senate doesn't act to keep the government running.

Harry Reid has already declared it DOA before it even gets there. Just who the hell does Harry Reid think he is? Whoever that is we need to change that during the 2014 mid-term elections. Now who wants the government to shut down?

Share it with your followers here and on Face Book, Tweet It, Pin It and do anything else you can to let people read the truth.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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