How To "Fix" A Train Wreck
The first thing to know about trying to fix an train wreck is DON'T. The second thing is don't issue a stamp about it thinking it will bail the USPS out. It won't. You don't "fix" train wrecks like Obamacare because no one, and I mean no one, still knows what is in it. Obama thinks he does and has beat his lips ceaselessly like a snake oil salesman trying to sell a non-existent elixir. The federal government has no business being in between you and your doctor, no matter who you are.
Senator Max Bacchus, who is now retiring seeing the hand writing on the wall, told the nation and Kathleen Sebelius, that what we are witnessing was about to unfold. he was the first to point out the coming train wreck as far as a Democratic politician. But what did he know? He was just one of those knot heads who helped craft this fiasco in secret.
They were giving out Nobel Peace prizes when Obama took office in Cracker Jack boxes now we see this. This roll out had impact alright - of the extremely negative kind. I often wonder why Obama doesn't know when to keep his pie hole shut but he never seems to.
I watched day before yesterday, and almost puked, as Obama held a press conference where his narcissism once again just right out of the screen at viewers. He was so gracious that he told us that only he could make the impossible possible after millions upon millions had their insurance policies cancelled on them. Oh yes, he was going to "allow" insurance companies to reissue those same insurance policies for a one year period that "his" law was so intent on killing off. Did he tell us in advance what his motives were? Of course he didn't. Strictly political I can assure you and not much about "We, the People..."
Good grief! Just a couple of weeks ago Obama was telling us the cancellations weren't even occurring. it was just being made up to make him look bad. There's that narcissism rearing up again. Then he and his party faithful were telling us that the cancellations were just hunky dory because the policy you liked was junk. Nanny State knows what is best for you and your wallet you see. You have no clue. Those bad boy insurance companies who were committing his unpardonable sin could now continue to add more sins to their previous sins. You like it but he doesn't. Of course he doesn't pay for his health coverage. We do.
The Democrats at times crack me up. They pull out a set of talking points and whale away at using them, Then WHOOPS and they have to shift gears quickly and use different ones to try to cover the failed ones thinking people are stupid enough to not call them on it. I will.
What He Failed To Say
There were a few brave Senators who took up the cross BEFORE this fiasco happened not after. They were even crucified by their own party RINOS for pointing out the obvious. Obamacare did not need to happen on October 1st or ever for that matter. Even at that point Obama remained in denial and continued lie after lie. I heard him tell people the other day that the government shutdown would have put the nation in default and that was another outright lie.
Being a free market guy I'll tall you why it won't work and can't be fixed short of repeal and starting over. The whole bill, which none of them read stinks to high heaven. it is an over-priced alternative with high deductibles and full of more mandates than a date factory. The people needed to float that boat are young, healthy people who he wants to coerce young people into buying what they really don't want or need. Why? Insurance companies need that good money to cover Obama's bad redistribution money just to cover the losses on people who are basically not insurable or don't want any insurance in the first place. Insurance companies would never be able to insure those types of policies without all the mandates built into Obamacare. Those are facts, not conjecture.
More competitive free market products would smother Obamacare. That's what Obama doesn't want. Insurance companies are in business. The federal government has no idea how to do that. If it couldn't print money it would be out of business. When the federal government starts acting like a pack of socialist tyrants it's time to back up. Obama thinks he may be an imperial President. That can be a huge problem if reading American history has served me well.
The Grand Social Experiment Gone Awry. Turn The Mop Around Barry!
The "fix" Obama has in mind is to get through the 2014 mid-term election by using the usual smoke and mirrors routine. He wants to delay the mass cancellations until after the mid-term elections. That's why he delayed the employer mandate so wake up to that fact while you're waking up. Why do you think panicked Democratic Senators are running as far away from Barry as they can get? He's now toxic.
My question is to what good is Obama's "fix." He's a band aid type of leader. So he "allows" insurance companies to violate the very law he had crafted for one year. That one year is even iffy. That "fix" could cause the whole insurance industry to go bankrupt. Maybe that is what Obama has in mind? They have just spent massive amounts of money ramping up for his failed roll out.
He never addresses adequately his other "promise." He told us that the average premium was going to go down $2,500 and it has done just the opposite ever since he uttered those words over and over again. Obama thinks for some reason that he can will things to be. Not in the United States of america you can't. This is still the land of opportunity if one steps up and grabs the bull by the horns and takes personal responsibility.
Obamacare can't be fixed. Like any train wreck it needs to go to the scrap yard. Then take a look at some real reforms such as allowing insurance companies to cross state lines, tort reform and the more sensible ways other than the federal government trying to do something they have no business doing just to stroke Barack Hussein Obama's ego.
QUOTE OF THE DAY BY OBAMA: “I hear you loud and clear…I said I would fix this problem, and today, I’m offering a plan that can help do it.” With what? A temporary one year band aid that insurance companies will reject. Then you can blame who Obama?
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As Always,
Thee Frog Prince