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How and where to donate money? Reliable charities who serve the poor and needy and doing good for society.

Updated on August 4, 2013
There is so much happiness in sharing. You don't need to have excess to share. In the picture, you can see children sharing ONE yogurt.
There is so much happiness in sharing. You don't need to have excess to share. In the picture, you can see children sharing ONE yogurt. | Source

Why donate money?

Someone once told, the more you give the more you get. In many aspects we are so much blessed. We can afford to have a computer to read this article. There are many people in this world who can't. We live in a safe country, where there are countries in the world, where people kill each other- almost daily. We have nice clothes to wear, while there are people in this world who cannot afford at least the cloth they you are wearing now. We did not select our parents, who brought us up with love and care. There are parents who don't have time, money or spiritual strength to bring up the children (even in US). Thus, some end up in streets, become alcoholics and people whom every one hates. No one is born bad or as a criminal, but it the circumstances that made them so. Just look at ourselves, we are blessed with so much good things but we still complain. Yes! we worked hard to earn all that we have, but all those who work hard does not earn as much I we do, nor live a happy (yes! happier than many others) life. You see how lucky we are, how blessed we are.

Some people say, "When I get my next 100 million dollar profit, I will give 10% to charity". Thousands and millions are not needed to make this world a better place. A small act of kindness by each one of us is more than enough.

Thanks to the varying currency rates, $10 is about 700 Indian rupees. With 700 rupees, you can pay one complete semester fees of a child, you can pay for 10 lunch or you can buy shorts for children.

You see, so much can be done with so little money.


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Reliable charities

There is an element of kindness in every human being. This is what I believe. Even the most wicked person, in deep in this heart, there is a feeling to be kind and merciful. Unfortunately, there are some people who try to exploit this human weakness. There are charities that exploit human beings. There are charity mafias. There are charity frauds.

If we want to share our blessings with poor people via charity organizations, it is very important to carefully check how good the charity is. Some of the questions we ask ourselves and try to investigate and confirm are

  • Is this charity doing what they preach?
  • Are they giving the money to the poor and not use it for themselves?
  • Are the charities driven by passion or is it a mafia?
  • How old is this charity?
  • In which part of the world do they work?
  • In which area do they work- poverty, children's eduction, natural disasters.......
  • Are they ever involved in a fraud?

I asked the above questions and prepared a list of charities that are reliable and trustworthy

1. Caritas International

Caritas is one of the largest Charities in the world. They work in 200 countries and their mission is to work to build a better world,especially for the poor and oppressed. They have been working for the last 60 years and is still surviving with donation from ordinary people like you and me.


Caritas International

Caritas was founded in 1947 and by 1950, they started coordinating their works all over the world
Caritas was founded in 1947 and by 1950, they started coordinating their works all over the world | Source

Focus areas

  1. Disaster aid: Wherever there are wars, earthquakes, droughts, floods or storms, Caritas helps people who are affected by these disasters worldwide.
  2. A World for the Aging and the Ill: They support the elderly and people with diseases, for example people living with HIV / AIDS. Their work among the elderly in Cube got my attention.
  3. A world for children: They assist street children, child labourers, former child soldiers and youths at risk of drug abuse
  4. Peace and reconciliation: Caritas assist people displaced by civil war and make efforts to bring end to civil wars. E.g Their work in Columbia is worth to be noted.
  5. Climate change
  6. HIV& AIDS
  7. Women and migration


How to donate?

You can select the cause and make a donation. There are around 21 different payment methods available for transferring the money.


Every life is valuable. We can't discriminate against the poor, disabled, black, white, brown, gay, or an unborn child no matter who the person is and how weak the person is.
Every life is valuable. We can't discriminate against the poor, disabled, black, white, brown, gay, or an unborn child no matter who the person is and how weak the person is.

2. PriestsForLife

Even though the name sounds a little bit weired, the PriestsForLife is one of the strongest movement in United states led by Frank Pavone, to speak against a bortion (to k ill a baby because the mother desires to be so) and euthanasia (allowing someone to di e because he is sick or life is hard). I don't think there is any other organization who takes a very strong position against all political movements aimed at suppressing the poor, weak, disabled and the right of the baby to live and nor to get a borted.

The most amazing thing about the organization is that people who lead the organization in different areas were once against this organization, but upon knowing deeper about the movement becomes pro-life and pro-humans. For instance, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a founder of the a bortion (while reading please ignore the space between a and b in the word a bortion) industry became pro-life and works for protecting the weaker sections of the society.


Ending Abortion: Not Just Fighting It
Ending Abortion: Not Just Fighting It
A book written by the director of the organization

Healing the pain and guit

 Rachel’s Vineyard is a ministry of Priests for Life and operates under the umbrella of Priests for Life. The founders and directors of Rachel’s Vineyard, Dr. Theresa and Kevin Burke, are employed by Priests for Life as full-time Pastoral Associates.
Rachel’s Vineyard is a ministry of Priests for Life and operates under the umbrella of Priests for Life. The founders and directors of Rachel’s Vineyard, Dr. Theresa and Kevin Burke, are employed by Priests for Life as full-time Pastoral Associates. | Source

Works of PriestsForLife

1. Pro-life, pro-human and pro-weak and disabled: Published in 2012, the most recent statistics show the CDC reported a total of 825,564 a bortions (self-reported data from central health agencies of 45 states). The Guttmacher Institute (Planned P arenthood’s research arm) reported a total of 1,212,400 based on data from direct surveys of a bortionists. (source). The organization dares to stand against the government, the rich and the powerful to speak for the right to live.

2. Healing after a bortion: Rachel's Vineyard movement under PriestsForLife is world's largest ministry for healing after a bortion. They conducts hundreds of retreats each year for men and women who have lost children by the lies and false messages from pro-choice and pro-a bortion people. You can read the testimonies of different people so that we all believe that it is true.

3. Silent No More Awareness Campaign : This is a mobilization of men and women who have lost a child to a bortion, have experienced healing, and now want to share their testimony.

4. African-American Outreach: This outreach is led by the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

According to her, the civil rights movement of today is the pro-life movement!

5. Hispanic Outreach: Hispanics are another group of people discriminated in US.

6. Youth Outreach: The mission is to awaken the youth of this country and share the message of life

7. Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI): The equip and encourages individuals to engage in the politics and works to ensure that elected and appointed officials not only uphold their obligations to protect life but also assist in such efforts.

Every child has the right to live.
Every child has the right to live. | Source

David talk about his lost fatherhood and his guilt- A video from one of the rallies of Pro-life

How to donate?

If your heart drives you to stand for the rights of the weak, poor, disabled and the baby who has the right to be born, extend your helping hand for this organization. I am very much moved by this organization. I highly recommend this organization for the youth, not just to donate your money, but to volunteer for the organization.

Donation link

There are people like you and me who want those little children to live. With a little help to those young mothers, we can help a child live.
There are people like you and me who want those little children to live. With a little help to those young mothers, we can help a child live.

Success stories

This is one of the most successful women's care foundation in America.
This is one of the most successful women's care foundation in America.

3. Women's Care Center Foundation

The Women’s Care Center is the largest most successful pregnancy resource center in the United States, serving more women in more locations than any other. The center was founder by a professor from the University of Notre Dame in 1984, who wanted to find a better way to help pregnant women choose life for their babies. The center serves over 22,000 women annually who will make over 90,000 visits to one of their 19 centers.

How are they different from others?

Unlike other centers focusing on profit by pregnancy termination, Women’s Care Center helps women before, during and after pregnancy. Their emphasis is on helping women have healthy babies and creating self-supporting families. They also provide a lot of education support to young parents. All the programs of this foundation are incentive-based, so that parents do not receive hand-outs, but rather earn cribs, car seats, diapers and baby items by participating in education.


Work focus

Watch it yourself and be convinced

How to donate?

This is a 100% privately funded and receive no government assistance. Women's Care Center Foundation (Fed ID # 38-365-1599) is a 501C3 not-for-profit organization. For those living in United states, all gifts to this foundation are tax deductible.

Donation link

4. Sisters of Missionaries of Charity

Probably you may know about Mother Theresa sisters (Sisters of Missionaries of Charity). If you don't know- They are nuns (women who decides not to marry, but to spend their whole life and time for God) who work among the poorest of the poor. As I understand, their main mission is not to remove poverty, but to show love and care to people whom no one cares for. In many western countries, the poverty is not lack of food, but the poverty of loneliness, poverty of love in families and societies. It may sound crazy, but their work has got world recognition and their founder, Mother Theresa was awarded Nobel prize for peace (she is no more). The critics who criticism their work, don't understand the mission of the organization. The focus of the organization is not to remove poverty from the world, but to share the love of God to even the poorest of the poor.


The charity that serves the poorest of the poor
The charity that serves the poorest of the poor
In the words of Mother Theresa, the founder of the organization
In the words of Mother Theresa, the founder of the organization

Focus areas

If you go to any non-profit organization or charity website, most of them have a very formal website, clearly defines its mission and their will be a link to donation (VISA, MASTER .......). Mother Theresa sisters website has no mission statement nor a link to VISA, MASTER card. It is not because they are fake. Mother Teresa likes things to be a little disorganized, not very formal, but focus on their real mission- Share the love of God to the poorest of the poor.

Be a volunteer in your country

The organization has branches in most countries of the world and if you like to spend some time to help the sisters, serve the poor, do it.

You can read more about the opportunities here

Testimony of an volunteer

5. CRU- Campus crusades

I came to know about Campus crusades from a discussion in EWTN channel. The organization work in college campuses around the world to help youth know the real TRUTH and be good leaders in society and in their own life. Quite impressive! They have ministries in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and America. They are doing amazing work by channeling the youthful energy and enthusiasm in good ways than getting spoiled by drugs, sex and party.


Campus Crusades work with the youth in college campuses around the world
Campus Crusades work with the youth in college campuses around the world

What do they do?

They have several programs

  • Spiritual movements
  • Student movements
  • Leader movements
  • Church based movements
  • Virtual movements
  • Mentoring programs

How to donate?

They have several programs and you can select the program and the amount you like to donate.

Donation link


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