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How 'bout them...

Updated on December 20, 2017

Leaders of the Free World

Leaders and those who lead - Updated

How about them Presidents? We've had officially 45 Presidents of the United States. Some were great, some were awful, but they, each and every one, have been charged with the full responsibility of Atlas, to hold the world squarely on their shoulders.

Some took the responsibility seriously, enabling the strength of our nation to persevere over tyranny but also protect those who needed our help from the tyrants of their ages. We fought against Napoleon during the French Revolution, we fought against Germany, Japan, and Italy during WWII. We fought in non-wars in Korea and Viet Nam, and controversial wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In addition, most Presidents were Presidential. Many of them had women who kept them company other than their wives, some were family men and some were honorable beyond their time in office. Difficult choices were made by commanding the pilots to drop the bombs on Japan, and sending troops into Iraq to find the elusive weapons of mass destruction. I can certainly see that no one found any but since the UN Security Council gave the dictator, Hussein weeks notice of their intent to inspect the country they certainly could have transported any WMD's over the border into Lybia or Turkey or another sympathetic Muslim nation.

Being President is a noble job, but it is a contract position. Thanks to the forethought of Franklin Roosevelt no President can hold more than two terms in office. This keeps the President honest because in the middle of the two terms he has to re-apply for the position. Destructive, apologetic, irresponsible, spendthrift, biased, childish, ineffective "leaders" should be removed. Incumbent officials of Congress should be removed for the same reasons.

The ONLY reason someone should be chosen for President is because he is capable of doing the job that he is hired to do. Keep us safe from attack and ensure that our military is well funded and handled. From there states' Governors should be responsible for their citizens. Laws limiting our ability to purchase things that are legally acquired should not be blocked, my opinion should not be impeded. Opinions should never be squelched, and no one's voice should ever be ridiculed.

With that being said, the current President of the United States, though smart enough, needs to stop baiting his opponents. Be Presidential! Stop cutting Americans down for being ridiculous. They have the right just as you do. YOU are the President. YOU are the one everyone expects to do his job. The other guy is gone. No matter who is President that is the way it goes. If you take the job you take ownership of what the job entails. Economy, health, war, whatever, it's up to YOU to do what you are supposed to do. You speak of the swamp; they are the squeaky wheel. When the US Leadership starts answering the call of the squeaky wheel he is not doing his job. Tell those minimal voices to sit down and shut the heck up, but do it behind the scenes, not in the 'Twitter-verse'.

We all agree that America should be great, but that means different things to different people. To me, it means that you should let us say what we want, think what we want, and do what we want (as long as we don't hurt others financially or physically in the process). It is unbecoming of the title of President of the United States to call people names.

Thank you, and good night.


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