How to Prepare for the days to come-:
The way I am currently viewing the world... I think we may all be facing some very hard times in the near future. i am not a person to overly worry about things but there are several factors at work in the world today that are indeed troubling:
- Prophecies of the End times- Matthew 24 Jesus tells of many problems (famines etc) that will precede his return. Among the Signs listed are: Famines, Earthquakes, Wars Rumors of Wars and Nationality against Nationality.. or Racial Fighting.
- Prophecies by Secular Sources: All seem to focus on the near future... mostly around the end of 2012
- The Mayan Calendar Ends in 2012
- Planet X (Nibiru) that is supposed to pass through our system in the near future.
- The Muslims are waiting for their own messiah... and are willing to start WW3 to insure he comes quickly..
- Iran (Radical Muslim Nation) will soon have the capability to send up a Nuclear Missile... it does not matter if the guidance system is Perfect or not... it only needs to arrive in the upper atmosphere above the Continent to do its job. (The Electro Magnetic Pulse will shut down all of the Electrical systems for thousands of miles)
With all of these factors on the table... It does not matter if all of the secular prophecies are true...
What matters is that people believe in them. And that some of them are quite willing to cause WW3 in order to fulfill their own prophecies...
Others are quite willing to capitalize on the confusion to promote thier own Political Gain.
What to do?
- First: Be ready for the Lords Return.. Jesus Saves... Gives Eternal Life to those who's trust is in him. When you have the Lord... the rest of these things are not near as scary.
- Second: You may want to stock up on some non-perishable food supplies and things like candles etc.
- Third: Sad to say that if this happens there will be widespread Looting and those who do not have, will kill to steal what you have. So it is best to prepare with those things in mind.