Hunting Politicians: Season Opened
When I saw Prince Charles’ Rolls-Royce in the middle of a mob on the streets of London, I smiled … the wheel always turns. I felt bad though, we have come to such a desperate point that we are banging on the windows of our supposed leaders as they drive by in their luxurious limousines. And we have next-to-nothing, still.
On the other hand, Prince Charles has someone who puts the toothpaste on his toothbrush each morning. He should just stay in the palace and leave by helicopter if he really needs to go out. He’s got some nerve to be riding around in a half a million dollar car, enjoying his receptions while most people in the world live for fewer than two dollars a day. Somebody should put it to him bluntly:
“Listen asshole, the world’s hurting, stop being so bloody selfish and arrogant. You’ll be put to the guillotine soon.”
Too bad politicians and aristocrats in general, are hardly ever realistic. They’re high, on their privileged seats. The ‘come-down’ is not always so nice though, especially if you are caught by an angry mob with very little security.
That is also what happened to a Greek politician the other day when he came out of a building and was met by demonstrators. They took their anger out on him. He caught a pretty nasty beating. I suppose it’s not right to attack politicians but is it right to suck the blood dry out of people because IMF says so. Are we to trust bankers? Have we learned nothing in the past year?
Thus, perhaps in this case two negatives can equal a positive like in mathematics. If politicians act in an irresponsible manner in regards to their job as representatives of the people then, perhaps we do have to act in a more convincing way to be taken seriously.
It is indeed the left wing politicians that will suffer the most. They have put up practically no fight against the fraudulent “bail-outs” and now are doing nothing about the “austerity measures”. %@&% austerity measures! Tuition is going up in England three fold! Why are students paying the price for the economic downfall?! The system needs uneducated people; cannon fodder, that’s why. Send the austerity measure to those who have money to begin with! Send them to Prince Charles or British Petroleum, they seem to be able to pull billions out of the hat as they wish.
I heard the father of a buddy of mine say once that: “only a stupid man does the same thing twice, expecting a different result”. I do wish an email or voting would be enough to convince our members of parliament here in Canada for example, that we need to spend money on infrastructure and not on fighter planes. I do not think that is the case though. Politics and Business have somehow merged and the motto is now: what is good for Wall St. should be good for everyone else.
If you have lobbyists working Capitol Hill or Ottawa for example, your business is most likely prospering. Otherwise, fight the hyenas …
Somehow, everyone knows politicians are more often than not liars, crooked and bribed easily with the right incentive(s). Yet, nothing is done about it. Then, when a politician catches a beating so many people seem shocked at the level of violence and the uselessness of it and so on.
Spare me. This is bound to happen. The pendulum swings both ways and the farther it swings to one side the more it will swing to the other as well. Not everyone is willing to watch the corruption in politics and think that voting for someone else at the following election will suddenly solve their problems. I would rather say that it is good for a politician to get ruffled a bit once in a while. Just so people can let-off some steam. If you keep it in too long then, you can end-up like Timothy McVeigh therefore, if you’re stressed-out lately, let your MP know about it.
Many politicians feel that the punishments for crime committed offences are not severe enough. I personally think that we need serious punishments for politicians who abuse their position as representatives of the people and commit fraud, lie and/or deceive the public in any way for their benefit. I think that is more important than increasing the jail time for people smoking la-la.
There have been sporadic riots in Greece for almost two years now. There have also been riots in France over and over again over the last couple of years. In recent weeks there have been riots in Scotland and Italy as well. People are unhappy.
It’s hunting season! Welcome to the future.