I Rest My Case...
Moochers, Looters & Producers
Anybody Seen That Drain Hole Lately?
I've been writing since the election about the new version of liberalism. What we have been evolving into, as a supposedly civilized society, is a pack of moochers electing looters to steal from producers. I'm not sure exactly how I came into the possession of this video but somehow it ended up in my inbox.
Listen closely now American tax payers. He deserves what he is scamming the tax payers for because "I'm me." Talk about an entitlement mentality. I betcha dollars to donuts these two kooks voted for the Looter-in-Chief on November 6th. I've watched this video now a few times in absolute amazement still not understanding how many so knot heads voted for the continuation of such nonsense. Say you didn't but you damned sure did.
Watch It At Least Twice
We've now become primarily a nation of "takers." It was quite an evolution as we moved along and elected generation after generation of looters to do the moocher's bidding. The idea of personal responsibility has gone three sheets into the wind in our society. We now owe individuals a living and their existence because they are "themselves." Do you seriously buy into that? Or is it that you are so busy putting your hands into the cookie jar that you've lost sight of reality too?
I can only suggest to you that if either of those two were my children they wouldn't be able to sit down for weeks. Where is any sense of responsibility there? Just point out one instance other than what Judge Judy and Bert displayed. Yes, Congress should have to watch that video at least once a day.
Now the moochers in life need to understand that the producers in life don't really owe them anything unless they get off their lazy butts and earn it. This is not to say I'm not compassionate because I am. I just prefer not to give away the farm to the likes of the individuals Judge Judy was having to deal with. I prefer to pick those who I am charitable with and not have the government make those decisions for me. In fact, I prefer to make most of life's decisions without the government having to do it for me.
However that video sailed into my email box I knew once I watched it that I need to share it with you. This is what our nation is evolving into and we now have Obama to thank for that too. I am still dumb founded when I watch it over again...
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."
"Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it.
As Always,
The Frog Prince