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The New Silent Majority

Updated on September 26, 2012
Anything you can do, even if you are successful, I can do better... and I can yell louder than you so I must be right.
Anything you can do, even if you are successful, I can do better... and I can yell louder than you so I must be right.

Ignorance and Mob Mentality Rule

Why would anyone want to be President of this country? For President Obama its not only the most difficult job but the most thankless job in the world. No matter what this man does, no matter how hard he tries, no matter how thoughtful and intelligent his actions, no matter how methodical or sensible his logic, this selfish society seems to do nothing but complain and find fault. What happened to just being an American? Someone who follows their leadership and comes together with the rest of the country for the betterment of all. The old cliche; "our country, right or wrong". Its really shameful to watch what has become mob thinking and rule.

There was a time when being an American meant supporting our government, being just, and being part of something envied throughout the world. Now we are becoming a bunch of whiny, ungrateful complainers with nothing but our own personal interests at heart. Liberty isn't just for those who want to freely throw tantrums, liberty also means accepting the results of an election, seeing both sides of a disagreement, and working to solve problems together. Working for the improvement of the entire society, not just those who shout the loudest should be the mantra. Today it seems politicians are not concerned with the job but rather their own re-election and the general public is either totally complacent or screaming about some aspect of some real or imagined injustice that has been imposed upon their person and is cause for their undeserved angst. They, of course, bear no responsibility or fault for anything.

I am the first to recognize America's good qualities but the unity of the past is quickly being replaced with cynicism and hate. This country is full of good hearted, well intentioned people who are failing to stand up to the hate mongers and bullies. They are having their voices shouted down and react by staying isolated within their own homes and familiar groups. They are the new silent majority who need to wake up and act. We need to rediscover our unity of purpose.

It is said, those who fail to consider history are doomed to repeat it. The new silent majority need to be awakened, to be reminded of the patriotism and sacrifice that brought us to this day. If we continue to permit the status quo, we will truly get what we deserve and I do not believe it will be what we want.


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