47 "I'm Still Proud To Be An American"
Always stand proud as an American.
I’m Still Proud To Be An American
I have a habit of hearing old songs, that I feel if people would have paid attention to when they were hits, could have changed the way this country is today. It kind of makes me think of one of my other hubs, “The “Y’s” In The Road of Life”.
I have another old song that Merle Hagard released back in 1970 and was a number one hit. Everyone talked about the song, but it doesn’t seem today that anyone took it seriously. It is another song that should be played often, very often, these days.
Note; I had to remove the words to the song that I am refering to because Hubs says it is a duplicate. I hope they at least let me do it this way. The song is, "The Fightin' Side of Me" by Merle Hagard. The words in the song are a very important part of this hub.
If we didn’t fight the wars we have fought, this song would never have been recorded.
Anyone can speak what they want and stand for whatever they want as long as they aren’t speaking against this country. I have lost too many friends and relatives that fought and died for what we have here. And I myself will fight and die for this country today if I have too. I don’t care who the person is, if they run this country down to my face, they will be “walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me”.
We, that are still Americans, have to still be willing to fight and die if needed so that those men didn’t die in vane.
"If you don't love it, leave it."
I stand on that strong, “If you don’t love it, Leave it.” I’m sure that there are other countries that would love to have some more idiots.
That paragraph is self explanatory and says it all.
Let them go to another country and see if they get the milk and honey and the same level of living.
If you have never heard this song please do, and if it’s been a long time since you have heard it, hear it again. If people would have listened 41 years ago, maybe, just maybe, things would be different. But then, 40 years from now someone will be saying the same thing about some of the songs of today. It’s really not very funny, we just don’t seem to learn from history until it’s too late.