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Impeachment: What the Press Doesn't Want You to Know About Donald Trump's Impeachment Process

Updated on January 26, 2020
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I write all about anything I'm interested in, from gaming and music to business and marketing advice.


Impeachment: What the Press Doesn't Want You to Know About Donald Trump's Impeachment Process

President Trump's political opponents have been downright desperate in their attempts to impeach Donald Trump. President Trump has built a successful, prosperous empire and it's rather amazing that Democrats are pursuing a political strategy of trying to remove him from office before he even gets started. In reality, the Democrats don't have any real plan to win the White House, so they just want to impeach Trump at all costs.

When President Trump was elected, he promised a "new deal for America"deals" were not mentioned once. No, President Trump promised to "drain the swamp" in Washington D.C. and "Make America Great Again." While many of his policies have been met with mixed reviews, the fact is that he's the best president we've had in decades and he's been very effective at leading our country forward.

President Trump has a lot of issues, but they're not being disputed by anyone. Democrats didn't like his travel ban, but it was clear that it was a necessary step to protect our nation and to keep us safe. His decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord, however, was the wrong decision for the United States of America and it's time to put the United States back on the path to becoming a solar superpower.

President Trump is continuing to move the United States forward, right? Wrong. Democrats are now devoting their energy and resources to attacking President Trump and attempting to impeach him. Let's examine what's going on here.

The Democrats are hoping that if they can impeach Donald Trump, then he won't be able to perform his duties as president. They're hoping that this will result in a Clinton-style "gubernatorial" style scandal that will never end. That means that the Democrats will be able to run around town without any scandals. It will be like all their problems are just going away. This is a highly untenable position and it's time to stop this.

What's happening in America is much more than just President Trump. President Trump is simply acting in the best interests of the American people. He's standing up for our nation and that's why they hate him.

If they get their way, however, the economy will collapse and thousands of citizens who deserve a better life will be thrown out onto the street. There are millions of citizens who are moving out of the nation and many of them are working hard to find jobs that are within our nation's borders. Trump has given Americans the opportunity to begin anew and he's done more for our country than any other president in history.

Now, our patriotic patriots are losing their chance to build their families and they're being forced to live off government handouts. There's no reason to lose hope and to surrender.

Congress has until December 15th to pass legislation impeaching President Trump. If this legislation fails, President Trump should make sure that he resigns his office as to avoid the possibility of impeachment and a constitutional crisis in our nation.

If we give up, then this might happen to many, many more! We need to not give up, because the majority of Americans are standing together against the left's policies and tactics. We need to keep fighting and we need to fight for our country.

It's right on time for us to continue to fight for our country. Those on the left are losing their grip on reality. They're losing all hope. It's time for us to push back and to keep fighting.

© 2020 Tank Memic


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