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Implications of Brexit

Updated on May 27, 2019
Zuzanna Szafranska profile image

Just a student shedding light on political, moral and ethical issues.

What will happen to Brexit now?

Freedom of Movement

As part of the EU principle, people can live, work and travel anywhere in the EU with 1.3mil Brits taking advantage of living in various EU countries. Brexit would mean ending the freedom of movement, and therefore it would jeopardise its own people having the most significant impact on young Brits - severely restricting employment and travel opportunities.

The Freedom of Movement also benefits Britain economically as many EU migrants are skilled and work in the country's essential services such as the NHS, it is to be noted Britain could not cope without foreign doctors and nurses. An average EU immigrant contributes £2,300 more per head than the average UK citizen and furthermore are half as likely to receive state benefits or tax credits, according to a study done by academics at the University College London. Therefore it is clear that EU migrants are making the UK more affluent and are benefiting it rather than plundering it.From another point of view, some are concerned that being part of the EU is resulting in too much EU immigrants moving to the UK, of many which are coming from poorer Eastern European countries such as Poland, Bulgaria and Romania, due to the Freedom of Movement these Europeans can freely move and settle in the UK. Leaving the EU would allow the UK to regain full control over its borders, arguing this will reduce immigration substantially to 'tens of thousands' according to the Tory 2017 Manifesto, claiming this would relieve stress on housing, the NHS, schools etc. The government also claims this will reduce low-skill immigration opening more job opportunities for Brits. However, nearly 3mil migrants are non-EU citizens; therefore this number would not change post-Brexit.

Overall, the immigration numbers would not reduce dramatically upon leave; it would instead make the NHS weaker and impose difficulties on UK citizens if they wish to go on holiday or seek employment opportunities in EU countries.

Immigration and Security

As mentioned before the UK would regain border control over its country and have the power to establish harsher vetting on immigrants after Brexit. Uk will also remain a part of NATO and UN Security Council meaning it will still receive military security, to add to this the UK will still be in possession of nuclear weaponry through the Trident Missle System so this would remain unchanged, therefore, offering security and broader shoulders for the UK for macro-economic problems. However, questions over the long-term future of NATO membership arise as President Donald Trump comments 'it's obsolete'. As the NATO membership is not secure and threats of terrorism cannot be tackled effectively with nuclear weapons, Britain may face security issues in the near future.

Some say Brexit will affect the EU's defences more rather than Britain's. With the British armed forces being EU's most potent defence power making up 25% of their defence capabilities, meaning the UK's military is capable of protecting the whole country post Brexit. Furthermore, Chequers white paper - the UK government proposed a 'tailored partnership' with the EU on foreign policy, defence and development. Therefore the EU's Galileo will provide a secure platform for police and military.

Overall, Brexit won't have a significant impact on the countries security and defence.

In conclusion, there seem to be more negatives to Brexit than positives, it will undoubtedly destabilise the country and whether it can get back up on its feet solely depends on the government, who is struggling enough with the British-exit as it is.

According to the British Attitudes Survey in 2013 - 77% of Brits states they wished to reduced immigration, as the problem was worsening with the EU countries trying to take their share of fleeing refugees from Syria, so concerns over immigration could have arisen due to this, which potentially contributed to Brexit.

© 2019 Zuzanna Weronika Szafranska


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